Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Here's some pictures of the Vore show. Grainy as hell, but oh well.


I've plenty of band shirts... but I think that day I'd been busy doing house stuff (it was back in January). I've actually got to try and stop buying them!
im still not sure on the band shirts vis a vis fashion issue but i guess it really depends on if the shirt itself is tasteful or not :I that said i have ordered my bloody valentine and rilo kiley tshirts in the past few days
Spectacular Views said:
im still not sure on the band shirts vis a vis fashion issue but i guess it really depends on if the shirt itself is tasteful or not :I that said i have ordered my bloody valentine and rilo kiley tshirts in the past few days

Yeah thats true. I wear them depending on my mood really. That said, I cant wait to wear my Drudkh shirt to a gig :kickass: Its simple, but nice.

I have to admit, its nice seeing someone walking down the street wearing an Emperor shirt for example. Instantly know you someone likes what you do, and no matter what, people want to feel safe in knowing that theyre not alone. And where I live, I've only seen one other person who appears to like Metal.
Spectacular Views said:
yeah the main reason band shirts appeal to me is the social factor really

I like them because... well, first and foremost, I love the music. And I guess in some ways, when I have one on (again, considering the populace of where I live), it's my way of saying "fuck you, I'm not into your Top 40 shit, I'm doing my own thing". And also, on the peak hour trains, its quite funny seeing peoples reactions to Eddie's gruesome face on a Maiden shirt, or seeing them trying to figure out what the hell the logo is on my Enslaved shirt and why the band are dressed like Vikings. My own personal joke. :lol:
Cythraul said:
I have a bunch of metal shirts but I usually only wear the Burzum ones :)

LOL, well I live in a town thats very Jewish, so its probably not a good idea for me to walk around with a Burzum shirt, as much as I love Burzum. Plus - I'm sure that a few metalheads would think its wierd seeing a coloured guy wearing a bandshirt of a man who happens to be racist.

Krigloch the Furry-ass said:
I have a bunch of metal shirts, but they always come in some fucked up size.

Same. I have to send my Drudkh shirts back to get exchanged for a smaller size :cry:
The Hubster said:
LOL, well I live in a town thats very Jewish, so its probably not a good idea for me to walk around with a Burzum shirt, as much as I love Burzum.

Do you really think that many of them, if any at all, actually know what Burzum is?
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