Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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this guy was one tuckered puppy

The Greys said:
I could picture that chick sucking blood from my neck or balls and then killing me, and you know it turns me on.

(sorry i've been watching the blade:series which has two sexy crazy females that have given me some weird fantasies and outlooks what could be sexual appeal in a strange way).

If you came and then after were killed the intensity level would be unexplainable.

what the hell is wrong with you
The Timebird said:
what the hell is wrong with you

Life is getting up and going to work which is pretty boring. You need the money because there is things you want to buy, you need money so maybe one day you will move out being able to survive. Either you have a crappy day at work or you don't work having a crappy day and your life declines because you are being a bumb. This is boring and stressfull so something like that would be pretty neat and exciting imo. Just something that would cause your blood to flow more than ever in your life. You don't think that would be mindblowingly exciting ?
The Greys said:
Life is getting up and going to work which is pretty boring. You need the money because there is things you want to buy, you need money so maybe one day you will move out being able to survive. Either you have a crappy day at work or you don't work having a crappy day and your life declines because you are being a bumb. This is boring and stressfull so something like that would be pretty neat and exciting imo. Just something that would cause your blood to flow more than ever in your life. You don't think that would be mindblowingly exciting ?
Oddly enough, having the blood sucked from my balls isn't my idea of a good time.
metal paddy said:
Hey i meet this chick yesterday and she has rung me four times today and guess what my missus in new zealand for a month she told me she luvs paddy what shall i do guys

Firstly sick to your girlfriend. I you ever cheat, you'll cheat again, so DONT do it!!

Secondly (this needs no further explaination:



The Greys said:
Life is getting up and going to work which is pretty boring. You need the money because there is things you want to buy, you need money so maybe one day you will move out being able to survive. Either you have a crappy day at work or you don't work having a crappy day and your life declines because you are being a bumb. This is boring and stressfull so something like that would be pretty neat and exciting imo. Just something that would cause your blood to flow more than ever in your life. You don't think that would be mindblowingly exciting ?

i reiterate:


the fuck

are you on
holy crap do you really think i want someone to suck the blood out of my balls ?

... and if someone did suck the blood out of your balls then killing you after you would not know because you would be dead.

(this is what happens when i'm tired)

lighten up before assuming i'm on something for making a stupid post. what are you on ?

atleast I made someone lol
Krigloch the Furry-ass said:
no it was because of the heat. He was running around eating too. It was funny though

Had to ask, because I saw this picture a while back, where these guys were using a dead squirrel to do different things. :lol:

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