Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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~Neurotica said:
And did it suppose to mean that guys who have long hair gotta have a fringe too?.. Are you kidding or what?

no guys with long hair with a fringe looks awful too
Spectacular Views said:
no guys with long hair with a fringe looks awful too

Banned said:
if you're gunna pull out the goat horn, you gotta finish up with some artillery

BAH! More fucking Goat Horn! Decay's hair fucking owns.


I'm still trying to figure out how I want to have mine once it's grown to a decent length (getting it straightened this week though, pretty excited - it's down to the bottom of my face just about).
The Hubster said:
Yeah she's pretty alright! :)

Susperia: in all honesty, I just think your face would be better framed by a softer or longer fringe. The straight edge makes it look too harsh imo and takes away from the fact that you're pretty. So let the prettiness come out! :)

In six months this thread should have a pic of your new fringe :D

They're not really straight across:

I mean, there's a pretty definite curve around my face to them...

Bah. My boyfriend and I have had this fight an innumerable amount of times... he hates my bangs, I love them. There's also a security issue, which is really lame but I've had them for a long time and am afraid to take the time to grow them out, and find out in the end I look better with them anyway.

Plus I'm getting contacts in a month or so, for the first time ever basically (i'm blind as a bat in that picture, and in any of me without my glasses) so I am just taking one step at a time. Not to mention that I feel like he's trying to change me, everytime he says my bangs suck and don't flatter me, or that what I wear doesn't flatter me, etc.
I can understand the security thing. For a while now I've been waiting for my hair to get to a decent length so I can straighten it. Now that its reached that point, I feel almost scared to do it because I've become almost comfortable hating my waves.

At the end of the day, you have to be happy with yourself, but change is also a good thing (hence for example, I'm going to gulp and get the straightening done on Friday).
Susperia said:
They're not really straight across:

Plus I'm getting contacts in a month or so, for the first time ever basically (i'm blind as a bat in that picture, and in any of me without my glasses) so I am just taking one step at a time. Not to mention that I feel like he's trying to change me, everytime he says my bangs suck and don't flatter me, or that what I wear doesn't flatter me, etc.

No offence, but does he ever say anything nice to you? Seems to me, every time you post about him it involves him being a complete dick to you. I had this problem with a girlfrend once. I got round it by dumping her.
I think you should've not only bolded the text "dumping" but also changed the colour to a really icky kind of green :D

And if your post is right, then thats fucked. I was with someone for 2 years, and all she did was try to mould me into something I wasnt. I was really young, and didnt have a lot of confidence and I let her do it at the time. Finally I had enough, I cut that chain and grew how *I* wanted to.

If you're in the same situation, Susperia, then cut that chain. Every woman deserves a man who just wants to bask in her glory.

Yes, I know that sounds tacky, but thats how I look at it, and I love making my partner feel like that too. Everyone deserves to feel good.
Though they're trendy fucks who seem to be a part of the "fashion thrash" crowd that's popular of late, they admittedly rock/ed.
Spectacular Views said:
no guys with long hair with a fringe looks awful too
Then it had to be: "...girl (any one)", but not "girl (/anyone)".

Oh well... Fuck it.
no it didnt because saying long hair without a fringe looks bad on anyone doesnt necessarily imply that long hair with a fringe looks good on guys

whereas if i hadn't specified "anyone", it would have been a far more reasonable assumption to believe that i thought long hair without a fringe looks good on guys

the best thing would've just been to say "long hair without a fringe looks bad on anyone" but i was trying to give some impression of my train of thought. i initially just typed "long hair without a fringe looks bad on girls" but then thought "actually it looks bad on guys too" hence the "(/anyone)"
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