Int said:You look best in the first one. >)
edit: let's bet on who comes out with the creepiest comment. My money's on Hubster I guess.
edit2: ok Ender's was pretty bad.
Killbot said:Hubster will trump that for sure.
Susperia said:Neurotica you look so beautiful!!
Haha god our tastes are the opposite though. I love dresses. However I don't really like high heels... I wear dresses and combat boots almost religiously.
Spectacular Views said:i love dresses
i went clothes shopping with one of my girlfriends the other day and we saw the cuuuuuutest dress and i was all omg you HAVE to buy it and she tried it on and it was all like CLEAVAGE and she has the most beautiful big tits so yeah that was pretty fun
i l0ve shopping!