Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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If a blonde female can live in on her own than pretty much anyone could if they really wanted too!!
Just because she doesn't talk about music doesn't mean she doesn't listen to as much or more metal than you do. Jesus Christ.

That has nothing to do with it. This is a general metal discussion. Regardless if you listen to alittle metal or a lot you can still discuss music.
If you just come on to a metal discussion forum to post in a picture thread 95% of the time you should be banned because you are not understanding this forum is discussing for metal music first. Off related threads are second.
Jeez you guys are nasty.

I heard someone say recently that if you are browsing the internet it is because you are board and have nothing better to do. For this reason you are more likely to lash out or be an ass online, because you would rather be doing something else. I wonder how true it is.
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