Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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in a trailer for a japanese-language documentary about the japanese improv scene or something :|

BRUV I have found it, it is a record from Brigitte Fontaine



I found it by looking up Fontaine on the "gracenote" cd database fyi

Yeah, I am the best :kickass:
Well, King, thanks for the generalization, but I know a lot of women who hate the whole metrosexual thing. I, for one, love nothing better than a man with long disheveled hair, baggy not quite right fitting clothing, dressed in black, with very scruffy facial hair. The only thing that is important to me is that they have good hygeine, other than that, I think it's stupid for men to use hair gel, or moisturizers, or face wash made "especially for men" or any of that shit.

My boyriend only wears band shirts, or gets old clothes from his friends and wears those. I don't care. Well, for the most part. Some of the used clothes he gets are really preppy and look funny on him with his long hair and piercings.



edit: It turns out, I have more to say! (yeah rare, isn't it?) You say you would feel like you're "compromising" yourself and your integrity if you altared the way you look at all for someone else, and yet women are told to do this all the time. We get special hairstyles, wear make up, whiten our teeth, wear high heels, go on diets, buy expensive clothes that fit us perfectly JUST SO WE CAN LOOK BETTER THAN WE NORMALLY DO! Does that make us fake? Does that mean we are compromising ourselves? Ask yourself this honestly. Would you be happy with a woman who wore no make up, did nothign with her hair, wore the same baggy clothes as you, didn't wear bras that flattered her breasts (or at all!) Would you be happy with that? Or do you think you're eyes would meander to the leggy redhead (who clearly dyes it) with the push up bra and white smile? Yeah, you'll probably say "if my girlfriend is gorgeous and has a great rack without it all, fine" but that's not going to happen babe. Gorgeous women with great racks without any help by makeup or clothing is a very rare thing, and you probably won't find it. So all other women shouldn't try you're saying? We're not being true to ourselves you're saying??

please, explain to me.
And I apologize for again turning this into a 'men vs women" issue, but I know I'm the only one who noticed the hypocrisy in what he said, and since I try to be "true to myself" I am not going to just ignore these things. Even though "being true to myself" to most of you makes me a "bitch".

My post was on the basis of men taking on values of women in terms of self presentation and such, which in turn is changing the setting of what it is to be "a man"

Truly i wasn't thinking at all of all the things you posted about when i wrote my rant, because i am solely angered with the norm of what it takes to be an 'acceptable' bloke these days.

But for what you wrote, these are my thoughts.

First of all, i definetly agree on the hygiene. Now for the rest...

We are not fucking peacocks, where the men are colourful and beautiful, and the women are... brown, we are human beings, who’s template for the differences between the sexes has always been = Men are Stronger/Superior, Women are Beautiful/Desirable.

Now i know and agree that in these modern times it is not " I AM MAN, BOW BEFORE ME WOMEN" there is more equality and so there should be, but when i see some little metro fag getting bossed and lead around by his women... it sickens me maybe even saddens me. And then to hear him cursing her after she has left (i am wearing a pink shirt saying fuck you bitch, I’m totally the man) angers me with disgust.

I understand women go through a lot of trouble to present them self each day, and know i would not like it if they wore baggy clothes like blokes, which gets back to my point of men should fucking look like men, not a bloody women or something in between. Women should look like women, but not by compromising their own personality for image. You yourself wear big Bathory jumpers, and i am fine with that for any women that wears something that isn't 'revealing every inch of my skin and show casing my bits' but instead is telling me a bit about them, as in your case of my example, a band you like.

I actually don't like a lot of make up on women, and i am not the type of bloke to notice little things you girls do to impress. What i do notice is individual styling that says "i'm a surf chick" or "i'm a rock chick", it takes something like that for me to define women separately (at first glance). I must say i am intimidated by really beautiful or really HOT chicks, maybe it's a lack of self confidence thing or because i've never been around them as friends or in other forms or relationships, so if something doesn't blatantly give away a part of the personality, i don't know what to take them as... the women i will never understand... the ones who are forbidden.

To sum this up i will speak to you of the girl i like to give you some more insight of what it is i desire of a women.

Well this girl is good looking, i think she is, my mates agree, but i have heard others say she is meh, i don't care.
Most of all i like her so much because i feel comfortable around her, she is a girl that can actually make me laugh my ass off, which is rare for my bullshit sense of humour, and she understands and laughs at the things i say ( i can't stand chicks that say to me every second, WHA? )
When ever she is about to complain about something, she goes back on it and says she was exaggerating, and not in reason to make me/others feel sorry for her in a guilt trip or something, she actually reasons with the bullshit girly emotions she felt at the time, but now seem stupid and laughable, therefore not worth whining over.
If the hottest bitch I’d ever seen offered me a relationship over mine with hers, i wouldn't, couldn't take it.
At the moment i'm internally, raging, waring with myself because i am a dickhead with these things, and alas she is still not my women.
I have new found respect for Susperia. we men don't need to dress up just to impress the ladies. some ladies like that scruffy dirtbag underachiever look.

Man I swear, this thread rocks sometimes. I love how it's a little crowd in there, everyone knows each other, and everyones pretty straight down the line with each other. This thread has ruled for a looooog time. Cheers all! :kickass:
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