Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Yes i love this community for it's hate too.
Over at the Lord forum it's all mushy "we are friends that respect each other" and it scares me away.
Here someone craps on about their bad day and then the others tell them how much better their day was and how their gf puts out more then theirs:lol: :kickass:
We are not fucking peacocks, where the men are colourful and beautiful, and the women are... brown, we are human beings, who’s template for the differences between the sexes has always been = Men are Stronger/Superior, Women are Beautiful/Desirable.

Now i know and agree that in these modern times it is not " I AM MAN, BOW BEFORE ME WOMEN" there is more equality and so there should be, but when i see some little metro fag getting bossed and lead around by his women... it sickens me maybe even saddens me. And then to hear him cursing her after she has left (i am wearing a pink shirt saying fuck you bitch, I’m totally the man) angers me with disgust.

But at one time men, at least in Western societies, men did dress just as "dandily" as the women did.



Look at those ruffles! Those dainty little feet! Those shapely legs! You cannot deny it. However by the 19th century men decided to "give up" or renounce their right to dress that way and opted for plain black suits and tuxedos instead. I believe it's been called "The Great Renunciation" or something like that... Id' have to go look it up but the book is at school in my dorm.

Anyway, my point is that it hasn't ALWAYS been the women who dress up and men don't. It was royalty who dressed up, and the poor who didn't. Nothing to do with sex.
And men haven't always been seen as the superior. Just take the Vikings for instance, I've read many things on their women being seen as equal to their male counterparts. Maybe not as physically 'strong', but just as strong as any emotionally, and just as able to instill fear and respect out of others.

I'm tired, enough debating for today.
Yes i love this community for it's hate too.
Over at the Lord forum it's all mushy "we are friends that respect each other" and it scares me away.
Here someone craps on about their bad day and then the others tell them how much better their day was and how their gf puts out more then theirs:lol: :kickass:

I haven't seen you there before o_O

I've also started to move away from there myself. It's so "happy" and so tightly controlled that it seems you can't even speak your mind. It's very clicky too, that's just not my thing.

There *are* some nice people there. Bit too incestuous for my liking overall.
But at one time men, at least in Western societies, men did dress just as "dandily" as the women did.

Well said again :)

Not only did men dress up as much as women, but they surpassed women for their vanity in those times. Wigs, face powder, their boots, it was all about being as over the top as you could get. Riots of colour.

Louis XIV was renowned for his extravagance, it came through clearly in music of the French Baroque as well. Composers such as Lully and Couperin are clear evidence, the music of the time is full of colour and accentuation of notes. "The Court of the Sun King: indeed.

Leiland: Here's some info about what I was talking about-

"We do not talk about this revolution in relation to Austen's work, however, because it is hidden in the corners of her novels, the way the Napoleonic Wars are. It's called, fascinatingly enough, the Great Masculine Renunciation, and involves men's fashion, of all things. While the Terror of the French Revolution was bloodying La Place de la Concorde, while the Napoleonic Wars were destroying the European countryside, an Englishman called George Bryan Brummell was changing the way men dressed. Gone were the scarlets and purples, satins and velvets, lace and embroidery of conspicuous consumption that men wore in the middle of the eighteenth century. Romantic-era men wore instead dark blue or black wool coats, stiffly starched, blindingly white shirts, and skin-tight, skin-colored pantaloons--inconspicuous consumption, in fact. Brummell is famous for saying that "If John Bull turns round to look after you, you are not well-dressed; but either too stiff, too tight, or too fashionable."

But this Great Masculine Renunciation entailed more than Romanticera men suddenly realizing that dark blue wool and starched shirts were more masculine than red velvet and pantaloons. Indeed, the ideological work that went into making that realization a reality demonstrates the radical transformation that representations of and assumptions about masculinity experienced in the Romantic era. I argue, in fact, that the total transformation in men's fashions in the Regency era was an outward manifestation of a similar renunciation in men's ability to express their emotions. "

The Hidden Consumer: Masculinities, Fashion and City Life in 1860-1914

So there, at one point you men absolutely cherished your materialism and prettyfulness. :loco:

edit: Hubster, that is a great example, he's even wearing high heels! thank you dear. Great painting too \m/

:p Why FUCK YOU TOO good sir, i do hope you despise me more so now, for your words have brought me degradation and sorrow

Thanks Susperia, i am sick of arguing too but it has been good. I don't know how those bastards could go through out their day wearing that shit, it is beyond unpractical, let alone having to defend your self in a masculine "i'm the man and i will protect thee women" situation

Here’s some photos from the day that went red to pure darkness at 4:00pm because of the bushfires, and then back to daylight at 7pm. Which i missed because i was away for Deicide :mad:

Outside the front of my farm, before it went dark.

My school (well... was my school) "When going to school really is like HELL"

Just before It went Dark, looking over the town i live just out of
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA @ Cowboys, Lions beat you haha.

Yeah, wtf!? :kickass:
It's because my friends and I won at the casino the prior day. Our glorious winnings blew over to the beaten and downtrodden Lions, revitalizing them to storm towards noble victory. The shittiest team in perhaps the universe was awesome one night because of us. Winners influence winners.
Yeah, wtf!? :kickass:
It's because my friends and I won at the casino the prior day. Our glorious winnings blew over to the beaten and downtrodden Lions, revitalizing them to storm towards noble victory. The shittiest team in perhaps the universe was awesome one night because of us. Winners influence winners.

Haha, nice!

Raiders are worse though :eek:
punching hos while wearing pink alligator shirt ftw

"imagine that, as a single man, you're Boba Fett. alright? gettin around, killin niggas, makin paper, doin the thang. the vagina? it's that fucking shit in the ground that ate Boba Fett. not because that shit killed him, but because he lived! did you know that, mothafucker? Boba Fett fuckin lives in that bitch for weeks or centuries or somethin. then finally he gets his hands on some gat and .....BOOM.... blows a nigga up. he escapes. but he'll never be the same as he was, cos he got all ate up and melted and shit from the big sand vagina's stomach acid I guess...


you see what i'm sayin son?

you gotta kill that bitch, right?

or you ain't never gonna escape! that pussy got teeth, nigga!!"

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