Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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You love being a whore, but not a drunken whore. Interesting.
Dodens Grav said:
Dogs are used solely for the compensation of small penis syndrome. Cats are used for the compensation of large penis syndrome. Which pet did you want again?

neither. but if you are compensating for the size of your penis with animals you have a somewhat disturbing lifestyle.
The Greys said:
I have a small/average penis.


I guess being a skinny 5'6" 19 year old I am probably being harsh. I think having a small penis prevents me from trying to be in a relationship. I picture a girl laughing at me.

You are in desperate need of psychiatric care.
Susperia said:
Seriously. 7 inches is not small by any means. Stop looking at so much fucking pornography.
so how many penises do you have first-hand experience with

i mean it must be one hell of a lot for your judgement regarding the matter to have any sort of statistical accuracy
Well I've read that 5 1/2 inches is the average for Caucasian males.

To me, 7 inches is more than plenty. However, I guess I might be slightly smaller than the average woman. I know that my best friend dated a man who was 9 1/2 and is depressed that she won't find that again, since it's what she's used to now. 9 1/2 is extremely large to me, though. I'd rather have an average penis that I can handle rather than something that large.

And I know you guys here think I'm some sort of permiscuous slut, but I'm not. If my flirting gave you that impression, I'm sorry. I've only ever been with my boyfriend. And plan on keeping it that way. According to you he is ''only average" but he's enough for me. Sometimes more than enough. Like I said, I probably couldn't handle much larger.
holy shit... why dont women worry that much about their depth, as men about their size?... size doesnt the hell matter generally... so whats the prob?..

PS: Good of you, Sus.
i dont think anyone ACTUALLY interpreted what you said as being indicative of being a slut. you may or may not be (not as appears to be the case), but its not really something which is guaged through internet ramblings. so you probably didnt need to sit back and tell us exactly how many guys you have been with and whether you think your bfs penis size is adequate. unless you really want to, which would be odd ... to say the least.

ps: im 7 inches. in radius.
Fucking hell, this thread is shit.

I've only read this and the page before, but is there really a need for people to discuss their / their partners cock size?

Jesus, utter, utter bilge.
Carcassian said:
Fucking hell, this thread is shit.

I've only read this and the page before, but is there really a need for people to discuss their / their partners cock size?

Jesus, utter, utter bilge.
i'm pretty sure you're only saying this because you have a small penis
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