Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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thats it i am off you lot piss me off big time (not pinky and netty luv you babes)
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College isn't any much better than high school except that you have more control in what you want to learn and the academic level is on a far more intellectually gratifying level. Though I'm sure elements of my own situation have a lot to do with why I don't particularly care for college, such as the fact that I commute to college, I hate people and don't socialize, and I have to take buses between classes because they're on different fucking campuses (if you know anything about Rutgers you know what I'm talking about).
He mentioned the Fins, I like him.

Oh by the way, if you are really into the Phins as much as you say. There's a blog site, arguably the best organization of blogs on the internet. They are solely run by fans of the teams and have over half of the NFL covered. You can comment and post your own blogs and stuff to. It's pretty fun. Anyways it's called the Phinsider:

The Phinsider
I am with Nec here. I commute as well, and there is nothing particularly exciting about college. Honestly I enjoyed High school more for the sole reason that I have only met about 4 or 5 people worth talking to even for short periods of time while attending college. At least in High School I had a bunch of friends. I drive to school sit in classes for hours and then drive him without a hint of excitement. Perhaps living on campus would be more exciting, but fuck that.
I commute to school monday through thursday, and I enjoy myself just fine. I've made a few really good friends, and generally enjoy the time that I spend on campus.
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