Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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I feel like someone has flown a plane into the tower of my amusment.

Oh God I hope the love thread is ok.

I feel the same man. Like a plane full of anti-amusement terrorists just flew a plane right into the twin towers of hilarity and then raped the any last fragment of funny remaining. Raped them until they were dead.
I feel the same man. Like a plane full of anti-amusement terrorists just flew a plane right into the twin towers of hilarity and then raped the any last fragment of funny remaining. Raped them until they were dead.

It's as if someone just took all the funny and rounded it up into some sort of death camp. A lolocaust, if you will.
asdfasdkfl;jasdfksdfjlaskfjasdl;kfjawl;gjaglkawjeglkjglkj LK HAIL SATAN aklgjasdkgl;jasdflkfjasd;kfljasdflkjasdfl;aksfjaskldfafasdfasgeryawery
[dramatic rant]I can't believe the hate thread has been closed.

The hate thread was more than just a thread, it was an outlet. If you think that closing it is going to stop stupid comments being made somehow, you're sadly mistaken. And does it REALLY matter that the hate thread went off topic? It was a social/off topic thread anyway. Attempting to contain all off topic and social content in one thread is never going to work, and shouldn't really be expected. And what is a metal forum without an outlet for angst riddled young people's hate? I urge you to reconsider your decision.[/dramatic rant]
dearly beloved...we are gathered here today to witness the passing...

well you can see where this is going

(personally I couldn't care less. I stopped reading the hate thread quite a while ago)
dearly beloved...we are gathered here today to witness the passing...

well you can see where this is going

(personally I could care less. I stopped reading the hate thread quite a while ago)
Yay, I'm not the only one who doesn't care that it was closed.

(btw, it's "couldn't care less")
So anyway, I hate that I went and saw Deftones last night, fucking hell they were boring. They played every slow shit fm radio song they've ever written. And the sound sucked. I remember hearing that Chino couldn't sing live but he actually sang quite well, it was just everything else that sucked. They played ONE song that I wanted to hear. And they were supported by three mind-numbingly bland melodic emo bands. Ugh. What a fucking waste of $70. I feel dirty. I don't think I'll ever listen to the Deftones again.

*Cue "serves you right for going to see a shit band" comments*
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