fuck ftagn
Yay, I'm not the only one who doesn't care that it was closed.
(btw, it's "couldn't care less")
heh cheers
Yay, I'm not the only one who doesn't care that it was closed.
(btw, it's "couldn't care less")
Hexagram used to be my favorite song ever.So anyway, I hate that I went and saw Deftones last night, fucking hell they were boring. They played every slow shit fm radio song they've ever written. And the sound sucked. I remember hearing that Chino couldn't sing live but he actually sang quite well, it was just everything else that sucked. They played ONE song that I wanted to hear. And they were supported by three mind-numbingly bland melodic emo bands. Ugh. What a fucking waste of $70. I feel dirty. I don't think I'll ever listen to the Deftones again.
*Cue "serves you right for going to see a shit band" comments*
So my car stereo stopped working today. Just ceased to function, suddenly and without warning.
I was sitting behind someone at a stop sign and I hate my iPod plugged into the car adapter. I was happy because the Tyrant by Judas Priest had just started to play, when suddenly... it's off. Music. Then no music. The lights on the stereo blinked off and it wouldn't turn back on. I drove the rest of the way home in a very pissy mood, which was aggravated by roadwork which had me sitting there for an extra two minutes. When I got home, I turned the car off then back on, and the stereo still wouldn't go on.
Fucking thing. I've had it for just over a year (the stereo, not the car) and it just fucking stops working- I wasn't even moving when it happened, so it's not like I hit a pothole and jarred something loose (PA roads are shit, by the way, so potholes here are some serious business). Then I look at the warranty- which has conviently just expired.
Fucking shit.
It could be the main fuse that is on the power lead of the actual stereo itself, the same thing happened to me. Took me 6 months of driving without music to check it and realise how easy it was to fix.
So my car stereo stopped working today. Just ceased to function, suddenly and without warning.
I was sitting behind someone at a stop sign and I hate my iPod plugged into the car adapter. I was happy because the Tyrant by Judas Priest had just started to play, when suddenly... it's off. Music. Then no music. The lights on the stereo blinked off and it wouldn't turn back on. I drove the rest of the way home in a very pissy mood, which was aggravated by roadwork which had me sitting there for an extra two minutes. When I got home, I turned the car off then back on, and the stereo still wouldn't go on.
Fucking thing. I've had it for just over a year (the stereo, not the car) and it just fucking stops working- I wasn't even moving when it happened, so it's not like I hit a pothole and jarred something loose (PA roads are shit, by the way, so potholes here are some serious business). Then I look at the warranty- which has conviently just expired.
Fucking shit.
So anyway, I hate that I went and saw Deftones last night, fucking hell they were boring. They played every slow shit fm radio song they've ever written. And the sound sucked. I remember hearing that Chino couldn't sing live but he actually sang quite well, it was just everything else that sucked. They played ONE song that I wanted to hear. And they were supported by three mind-numbingly bland melodic emo bands. Ugh. What a fucking waste of $70. I feel dirty. I don't think I'll ever listen to the Deftones again.
*Cue "serves you right for going to see a shit band" comments*
your comic genius is usually impeccable but that one failed pretty badly (@ evil)
Says someone who actually loves hip-hop.1)why the fuck would you want to see a shitty nu metal band??
2)why the fuck would you pay 70 bucks for one concert?
3)why the fuck would you pay 70 bucks to see a shitty nu metal band with supported by equally shitty emo bands??
4)you are a disgrace to metalheads
5)K thnx bye
what's wrong with hip hop?
have you ever even heard any real hip hop?? (50 cent does not = hip hop)