Why in the dark lords name would anyone want to look like that?

I am guessing because they do not have decent interests and hobbies in life and want to be a freak!
Why in the dark lords name would anyone want to look like that?
Why in the dark lords name would anyone want to look like that?
Yes, working out is enjoyable. It's cathartic for me. And yes, people view serious lifting/bodybuilding much like they view metal. Serious gym rats and metalheads are both quite rare. So it's all the more rare to find someone who is both.not to mention working out (especially with super heavy weights) is quite enjoyable, and seeing your transformation on a month to month basis is very rewarding
what I find amusing is that the opinion of metalheads on this thread towards bodybuilding is identical to the opinion of the general public towards heavy metal (why would you want to listen to something so aesthetically displeasing?? so extreme?? so over the top??)
I just don't understand the appeal of looking disproportionate. Your waist in relation to your body just looks silly. Like a cartoon character. Life Sucks looks fine from what I can tell, but you look abnormal.
You think i give a flying fuck about what some e-doofus has to say about me? Make fun of my avatar... Umm I picked it before I had been on this fuckin thing and I haven't seen anyone else use it, my sig gives thanks to Evil? who's really the only person I read EVERY post by because hes fuckin hilarious, and I think my headline works just fine. I choose not to take myself too seriously, and i SUGGEST you do the same, lest you give yourself a heart attack. Or maybe thats what you want... Maybe thats SOOOO MEHTULLLto you. Either way, fuck yourself because nothing you have to say has any bearing on what I have to say.
"A day late and a dollar short," I believe is the phrase? Go fucking off yourself you worthless piece of shit, you've got nothing to add here.
goddamn am I exhausted
I woke up at 5 today and studied for 4 hours for 2 different tests. Went to school, did both tests (both were huge), then went straight to work
I can't remember the last time I was this mentally exhausted
I'm not angry, this is the fucking internet.
You think i give a flying fuck about what some e-doofus has to say about me? Make fun of my avatar... Umm I picked it before I had been on this fuckin thing and I haven't seen anyone else use it, my sig gives thanks to Evil? who's really the only person I read EVERY post by because hes fuckin hilarious, and I think my headline works just fine. I choose not to take myself too seriously, and i SUGGEST you do the same, lest you give yourself a heart attack. Or maybe thats what you want... Maybe thats SOOOO MEHTULLLto you. Either way, fuck yourself because nothing you have to say has any bearing on what I have to say.
"A day late and a dollar short," I believe is the phrase? Go fucking off yourself you worthless piece of shit, you've got nothing to add here.