You obviously never been wit me homez. I ain't act like no wigger.
He said every BDM BAND he's met acts like a wigger.
NOT the other way around.
Anyone else here (living in America) get really irritated by the stupid fucking college basketball talk/hype going on this time of year? OMG did you see DeSawn Jackson score 43 points last night, and he's only a sophomore!!!1!1! I couldn't give less of a shit about the tournament and the "brackets." Bring on baseball season, fuck college hoop.
Anyone else here (living in America) get really irritated by the stupid fucking college basketball talk/hype going on this time of year? OMG did you see DeSawn Jackson score 43 points last night, and he's only a sophomore!!!1!1! I couldn't give less of a shit about the tournament and the "brackets." Bring on baseball season, fuck college hoop.
Even if I liked college hoop, I wouldn't have a team to be a fan of. I went to small D3 schools for both my undergraduate and graduate degrees, and the only college in my area with a big program is BC, and I fucking HATE that school, because the students are generally a bunch of spoiled shitheads.
Hell Awaits Us All said:basketball is a beautiful game in general
]at least I am not jerking off here to every band that I listen to "OMFGG ThIs BaNd HATH SOOOOO MuCh Em0tion and ATMOSPERE *orgasm*"
Beautiful? There is nothing beautiful about bouncing a ball up and down a court and trying to get it inside a net.
But ... the whole point of alot of metal music is to create an atmosphere and to evoke great emotions so that is justified.
I don't listen to Agalloch for flashy guitar work or heavy riffs, that would be counter-productive, I listen to them for the atmosphere they create and the emotions their music puts out.
It makes sense to talk about the atmosphere of a band's music.
This I agree with 100%. Of the four American sports, basketball is by far the most boring IMO. I also hate the culture that surrounds it (ie mainstream black American culture). Consequentially, I must say, that I hate the sport. Football and baseball FTW.Beautiful? There is nothing beautiful about bouncing a ball up and down a court and trying to get it inside a net.
Solemn? Maybe, but I prefer the term "reserved"
You're pretty solemn from what I can tell! Then again you may just be on edge, waiting to kill me!
lolol @ correcting people and being wrong in your correction:
he said brutal death HEAD. as in fan
Solemn? Maybe, but I prefer the term "reserved". Also who told you about my moderator assassination/usurpation attempt?
As for college basketball, it is one sporting event I just don't do. I don't get annoyed, I just tune it out or politely nod, because I know exactly what they are feeling.
I'm glad I didn't waste my money on any of these NCAA pools this year. It's not worth it considering I don't give a rats ass about basketball and never know which teams are better. I end up getting destroyed and losing 10 or 20 bucks that I could've spent on black metal.