Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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There is a specific brand they sell around here that kicks my chocolate milk loving ass every time I buy it. I do not recall its name however, but I do recall that is goes together very well with doughnuts.
I have to decide wether i should spend a fair wack of money and go see arcturus, or go on a (cheaper) trip with the club to play footy and go pubbing. Ahhh both can be a great experience, decisions decisions.
If I eat ribs I tend to have bathroom problems a few times the next day.

"Bathroom problems" lol.

You'll regret it when you're thirty five and have more ulcers than you can bear.

What is a bearable amount of ulcers?

Anyway, that's rubbish. Obviously you're quite uninformed and perhaps a tad limp around the wristular area in regards to your views on chili.
Bit late on the sauce discussion, but whoever likes EXTREMELY HOT AND SPICY sauce needs to try this stuff called Colon Blow. I fucking love this stuff.


"Colon Blow "A Red Habanero Enema" Hottest Hot Sauce #8.Comes out hotter than it comes in. Red Habanero, Tomato sauce, Hot Pepper Extract, Onions, Red Chiles, Garlic, Cane Vinegar, Vegetable Oil, Xantham gum and spices. Caution! one half drop is too much! 5 oz."

How. the fuck. is anything named Colon Blow in the least bit appetizing??!

I'm sorry but that does not get me salivating in the least.

edit:^^ And yes, I believe if you continuously have diahhrea for any reason, including spicy foods, it will eventually damage your colon. "Colon Blow" :rolleyes:
I'm going off to see my surgeon you guys

hoping he says we are going to have surgery in 2 weeks, that would be awesome. No more gyno! :)
Hopefully you won't lose too much mass in the time you are recovering and unable to train. I always find I lose significant strength and muscle when I am unable to lift for a couple weeks. And you should probably never do a cycle, since that would make the gyno come right back.
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