Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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from wikipedia:

Gynecomastia (pronounced GUY-nuh-ko-MASS-tee-uh; IPA pronunciation: [ˈgaɪ.nə.kəʊˌmæs.ti.ə]) is the development of abnormally large mammary glands in males resulting in breast enlargement, which can sometimes cause secretion of milk.

from wikipedia:

Gynecomastia (pronounced GUY-nuh-ko-MASS-tee-uh; IPA pronunciation: [ˈgaɪ.nə.kəʊˌmæs.ti.ə]) is the development of abnormally large mammary glands in males resulting in breast enlargement, which can sometimes cause secretion of milk.

I know what gyno was, but I didn't know it can cause the SECERETION OF MILK. lol I guess the one upside is that you can actually produce some free protein for yourself then. haha
That chocolate milk that comes in the little cartons is always a million times better than any you can make yourself. I don't know how they do it.

Really? I always thought carton choc milk was horrible.

Bit late on the sauce discussion, but whoever likes EXTREMELY HOT AND SPICY sauce needs to try this stuff called Colon Blow. I fucking love this stuff.


"Colon Blow "A Red Habanero Enema" Hottest Hot Sauce #8.Comes out hotter than it comes in. Red Habanero, Tomato sauce, Hot Pepper Extract, Onions, Red Chiles, Garlic, Cane Vinegar, Vegetable Oil, Xantham gum and spices. Caution! one half drop is too much! 5 oz."

My god I need this

If I eat ribs I tend to have bathroom problems a few times the next day.


Yeah I got it for Xmas as a stocking stuffer. My tolerance for spicy food is quite profound. I once won a bet with my cousin to eat an order of the HOTTEST chicken wings in the city of Buffalo, NY. 10 wings sitting in a bowl submerged in about 2 gallons of hot sauce.

All I need is some milk. I can eat anything with some milk.
I have to decide wether i should spend a fair wack of money and go see arcturus, or go on a (cheaper) trip with the club to play footy and go pubbing. Ahhh both can be a great experience, decisions decisions.

You're lucky Arcturus is in Australia at all, and who knows if they will ever come back. This could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. Take it!
alright I went to the surgeon and we are going to have the surgery on may 7. Apparently it is nowhere near as bad as I previously thought, I will only be out of work for 3 days, and only out of the gym for about a week, outside of that everything will be back to normal

he showed me some post and pre op pictures, and the results were pretty amazing

All the time everyone was making fun of bigdave for having titties I thought it was just a joke :zombie:

I don't really have "tits", it's pretty mild and not really very noticeable unless you were really looking for it. I am just getting this done for my future bodybuilding career
from wikipedia:

Gynecomastia (pronounced GUY-nuh-ko-MASS-tee-uh; which can sometimes cause secretion of milk.


I have never ever heard of that happening and I have done very extensive research on the subject

edit: I looked it up now and I guess it is somewhat possible, though very rare, apparently you need to take some hormones for it to happen or something. In any case, this nightmare will be behind me forever in about 6 weeks
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