Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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no, weed sucks. drink mead.

When you smoke weed after really drunk sometimes go into slight spins but you don't get sick or want to puke and it's fun. If you just drink to much and go into the spins you either puke or passout, but with weed it's very cool.

Beer + psychedelic = oh yeah

I like that word.. 'dude'.

It has a very homie-like feeling to it.


I ain't a killa but don't push me!!!!!!!!

I shit probably 2-3 times a day, is this to be considered a problem? (I've never given too much thought to how many times I shit a day, but rather the quantity per shit :) )

Supposedly it's the ideal to go after each meal. I find that a little excessive. I go once a day and that's plenty for me. Because then I can shower. :|
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