It's funny how guys always assume that their kid will be a son. It's just as likely that it will be a daughter. I know a really macho guy that has three daughters lol.
If I have kids, I'm going to raise them on classical music just as my parents did, and then they will naturally discover black metal on their own.
Exactly my plan. I will raise them on everything symphonic and fill their minds with no biases of my own to let them harvest their own musical taste. I'd rather them discover their own tastes than tell them what's right or wrong to listen to, because that usually spawns extra angst during the formative years.
I don't know about you guys, but the thing that most excites me about the idea of having kids is that they are, essentially, blank people. You can instill in them whatever habits or opinions you want.
Yeah...I'd rather instill in them the ability to develop their own habits and opinions.
It just seemed like something you would say.
I think he was implying that it sounded like something you would seriously say