Typical liberal response
Oh I disagree with the pres and VP lets assassinate them!
Dude, im not the fag who in the vast majority of their posts talks about bodybuilding at every fucking moment, when about .... 0 of us care if your legs hurt, or your arms hurt, or you have pulsing, milky nipples that need fixed. (I lift weights just as much as you do, maybe more, but I don't come on here complaining about aches and pains just to get some "sympathy" responses)
You are one to fucking speak.
What the fuck does what I said have anything to do with political ideologies?
It had nothing to do about politics, it had everything to do with your idealogy and how your party and your ilk handle people you disagree with. Just go on a college campus and attend a conservative speech/rally, and see all the liberals interrupting and inciting violence, now go to the liberal speech's/rallies and you see NO conservatives or very few, and they don't disrupt/incite violence. (First hand knowledge about this, so don't act like your oblivious to what goes on)
.45s are for women
You are basing this on limited exposure surely so your statement holds absolutely no weight.
Limited exposure? Holy fuck your a closet case. This is the case at the vast majority of campuses. Obviously you don't read conservative blogs, and the like, or watch Fox, who is the only channel to cover these things. Oh, I'm ready for the fox bashing from all the liberals on the board because they actually are the fairest out of the bunch, but because they lean republican they are "terrible misinformed fools, who have no IQ and all they do is lie". Are you going to refute countless UPON countless video's showing the same exact thing I'm talking about?
Please read up, before you start to say such non-sense. Unlike most people I actually look at both sides, read both blogs, etc. who the vast majority of you only listen to what "your" side says, and only that and think everything on the other aisle is wrong and misinformed and or lying.
Limited exposure? Holy fuck your a closet case. This is the case at the vast majority of campuses. Obviously you don't read conservative blogs, and the like, or watch Fox, who is the only channel to cover these things. Oh, I'm ready for the fox bashing from all the liberals on the board because they actually are the fairest out of the bunch, but because they lean republican they are "terrible misinformed fools, who have no IQ and all they do is lie". Are you going to refute countless UPON countless video's showing the same exact thing I'm talking about?
Please read up, before you start to say such non-sense. Unlike most people I actually look at both sides, read both blogs, etc. who the vast majority of you only listen to what "your" side says, and only that and think everything on the other aisle is wrong and misinformed and or lying.
I will say this though: you're an idiot, and liberalism does not causationally correspond to any "party."
You're full of shit and a complete fucking idiot. Or a troll.