Dude you don't know anything about me.
You sir, are the epitomy of someone who is misinformed,
unlike you I actually look at all sides and then come up with conclusions
unlike you, who it seems, thinks everyone on the other side are "misinformed, retarded programed robots since age 2 who can't think for themselves, thus I am superior and know everything, because if you disagree with my views your a retard"
You certainly seem to know a fuck of a lot about me though. Talk about hypocrisy.
I hate my parents, and the only thing I agree with them about is politics, because its my OWN decision upon which I based my own experiences in life and what I believe in to come to this conclusion not because someone "told" me to do this and believe in this.
You hate your parents or you hate your father, you bastard child you? Just because you hate your family doesn't mean your political ideology wasn't shaped by them. And you clearly stated that your political ideology is in synch with your family's and that your ideology is shaped by your life (your mother's situation at your birth, your family's participation in the military, etc.), so the logical conclusion is that your family established your political ideology early on. This is how pretty much 99% of the country is, it's not abnormal at all.
More asinine, bullshit assumptions that you spew out of your ass, biased generalizations stemming from a distorted political scope.
I simply told you to expand your view and look at all sides, but your so intwined in thinking your right and never wrong and that everything on the "other side" is a lie. Goddamn man look in the fucking mirror.
I know nothing about you, you say, and then once again you insist on assuming pretty much everything about me. First of all, I'm not even a fucking liberal. I refuse to define myself and peg myself into a category or to blindly hate any particular group of people defined by party, ideology, or whatever. I certainly have a number of 'liberal' stances, and I'm sure I have a few conservative ones, and a great deal of moderate ones as well. I study political science in its various aspects, mainly in the US, but also the rest of the world as well. My current two focuses are the American political party system and the current political development in Southeast Asia. I'm not "intwined [sic] in thinking" that I'm right," as you say, I'm just sitting back and laughing at your utter immaturity and sheer ignorance and unfounded vitriol, as is the rest of the forum. I have no "other side" to oppose, as you assume, so your statements, just as most of them are, are amusingly unfounded.
Pro-Life (Except for heinous crimes, for which I believe in the death penalty, but I don't believe we should have stem cell research on certain types of embryo's, I also don't believe in abortion, its not a woman's right to kill another human being(Only situation that would allow for such procedure would be if she was in mortal danger and only then would it be permitted for her to make a decision on whether to have the baby or not)
Pro-Limited Government
Pro-War (I unlike most people see the threat facing us)
Good for you, but what is your point? The only thing that you're really doing here and pegging yourself into a corner of the "typical conservative." You sound a lot like Anne Coulter.