Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Almost everyone engages in escapist behaviour to some degree,


whether it is appropriate to use the term 'escapist' in a derogatory sense relies on a subjective judgement of how detached from reality one part of a person's personality is.

I think you mean to say it relies on a value judgment about that person's detachment from reality, because how detached somebody is from reality is not a subjective matter; it has to do with objective behavioral and psychological facts about the person. Also, I don't even agree with the view that value judgments are subjective so...

So if W&W thinks furiously masturbating over classical music shows someone's musical tastes are extremely outdated and he places great significance on musical relevance then it is appropriate for him to call them an 'escapist'.

Not really. What's required is that the right behavioral and psychological facts obtain.

Maybe you're just arguing that listening to classical music DOES NOT IN ANY WAY demonstrate escapist tendencies so there are no grounds whatsoever for the insult.

I didn't specifically try to argue for that but I did say the belief was unjustified so yes, I don't think there are any grounds for making that accusation about people who listen to classical music.
Seriously, why the hell are you bothering me? What is your point? What the fuck is so important about the fact that this guy has opinions?

I'm going to stop bothering you right here. If you want to do ten pages worth of arguing over whether someone's opinion about a group of people is justified or subjective, go for it. I don't really understand your singling out of this one opinion amongst a whole board's worth of generalisations and half-truths was pretty much my point I think.
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