Going back a few topics:
WTF, I never knew there was such a huge anti-health contingent. There's nothing wrong with looking after your fucking health, jesus christ.
I never thought much about exercise until recently -- just one of those things I figured would be nice to do someday, but probably wouldn't ever happen -- but last summer I randomly decided to go running with a couple friends of mine who run. We did, like,
maybe a little over a mile, and I was dying at the end of it, but the fact that I pulled through showed me that there wasn't anything impossible about it.
Since then, I got into the habit, and I've been doing it about twice a week on average, though I slacked off a bit during the winter due to the cold. When I started off, I rarely did more than 2 miles, but after about 20 runs my endurance went up dramatically, and I can easily do 3 or 4 miles now without much trouble. I actually set a new record for myself last night by doing six and a quarter miles.
I'm not much of a gym person -- I don't really care about building muscle, and I'm not a big fan of being in a room full of sweaty jocks -- but I really like running now. It's pretty much the simplest form of exercise you can do, and definitely rewarding. It helps to have someone to run with, but that can be hard to find. Most of the time I run by myself. It's just something to do when you're really bored and the weather's not too shitty outside.