I'm at a loss for words at how terrible the last few pages have been.
I am at a lost for words at how terrible this entire forum has been the last few days.
lol dude if i was worried about my time i would have killed myself SOOOOO long ago. in fact i still might, regardless of my views on time wasting.
I kind of am serious about the swaztika though. I don't get serious about much but that's really kinda fucked up. What do i care if it offends someone? are ya serious? some six year old jewish boy gets on UM for the first time to see some asshole with a swaztika on his sig. He decides to grow up and shoot a famous guitarist dimebag style. May not be likely, but it could happen.
Have a little bit of sensitivity maybe. Call me a homo but I'm concerned about the children.
By the way, you're all faggots.