Good luck dude, and what the fuck ... how do they "not agree" with the internet?
Farewell, brave soldier. We will miss your awesome sig-worthyness.
That blows, good luck on your future endeavors.
See if your mother agrees with your boot to her face.
dude that fucking sucks, you are one of my favorite posters on here
You're one of the good ones, dude. Hope you find a place soon.
your parents are assholes. kill them.
You know, you could try the free (albeit shitty) internet service provided by NetZero, if money is the issue.
It's like 10 hours of internet per month or something. *shrug*
depraved anti-Christian values.
There's always the public library for internet access. Convince your parents you're going over to read the bible or something.Monday morning and I still have access! Thanks for the lovely words. And to answer some of the questions. It is not about the money. I offered to pay for it and they said it was not the issue. My parents simply hate technology and claim that the internet is the cause of any and all problems that may arise in the household. As far as the "not agreeing" thing, my mother claims that the internet is full of bad nasty things she does not want in her house and that she does not agree with what the internet is, which to her is a big cesspool of evil depraved anti-Christian values. I plan to post until the service drops, but I cannot know for sure when that is.
This thread has officially gone to Hell. And not in a good way.
lol @ trying to argue against the internet...
raise your hand if you saw that coming.
*raises hand*
seriously, tell your mom to grow up and accept the fact that the internet isnt going anywhere. furthermore, our culture is going to be increasingly dependant on it. for work and for pleasure.
Oh, beleive me I tried.
Congratulations! You are the 1000000000000th person to say that!
Slap a hoe! Thats a bunch of bullshit, if she doesn't want anti-Christian messages and values in her home maybe she should get rid of the TV, the phone and the rest of the things in your house that provide contact with the outside world. I mean, what is she, Amish? Go to the library and get online, you're too funny to leave because of that bitches shitty beliefs.Monday morning and I still have access! Thanks for the lovely words. And to answer some of the questions. It is not about the money. I offered to pay for it and they said it was not the issue. My parents simply hate technology and claim that the internet is the cause of any and all problems that may arise in the household. As far as the "not agreeing" thing, my mother claims that the internet is full of bad nasty things she does not want in her house and that she does not agree with what the internet is, which to her is a big cesspool of evil depraved anti-Christian values. I plan to post until the service drops, but I cannot know for sure when that is.
It is just not my mother, my Dad hates anything to do with computers/video games. He thinks people should do something more worthwhile, like go downtown and socialize...
Of course he has no problem watching tv for hours.