Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Unspoken (NOR):



Primordial (EIRE):





Paradigma (NOR):


About the whole Flag Burning thing: Although I am definitely against the war, the administration, and many things the USA is doing right now, I still love my country and I do feel bad when I see the US flag burned, however "stupid" that may be. I am not some ignorant patriot who blindly follows whatever the president is doing, but I do attach symbolism to the flag of my country, and feel poorly when it is desecrated. I hope you guys understand what I am saying here. I'm not trying to prolong the argument, I just wanted to tell you how I feel.

Sweet pics Henrik. I haven't heard most of those bands, but it looked like a great show. How was Suffocation?
I'm in favor of a world government. I feel poorly when national flags aren't burnt. Therefore I believe it should be illegal to neglect our obligation to set ablaze this scourge of mankind.
About the whole Flag Burning thing: Although I am definitely against the war, the administration, and many things the USA is doing right now, I still love my country and I do feel bad when I see the US flag burned, however "stupid" that may be. I am not some ignorant patriot who blindly follows whatever the president is doing, but I do attach symbolism to the flag of my country, and feel poorly when it is desecrated. I hope you guys understand what I am saying here. I'm not trying to prolong the argument, I just wanted to tell you how I feel.

I share your sentiments my man.
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