Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Hehe. The most metal stance in all of metal bass playing ever. :kickass:
Damn. That's pretty fucking metal.
No, of course not, your commentary was so subversive that its true meaning could not be deciphered by us unwashed.
To chime in on the origional "flag burning grrr" part of the argument... Yeah, it doesn't hurt anyone, but Americans still get all pissy over it, and maybe that's a little dumb.

Then again, so is rioting and burning shit because someone drew a cartoon of Muhammed.

On a much more important note than foreign relations, I seem to have the damn flu. How wonderful. Fuck this shit.

I agree with this post. yes, it IS dumb, but that goes for both sides of the fence. I wouldn't get pissy with the Arabs if they didn't get pissy over our mocking of their country. its a two way street.
Sweet pics Henrik. I haven't heard most of those bands, but it looked like a great show. How was Suffocation?

Even better than I'd expected. Their performance was extremely tight and energetic, close to flawless. Frank Mullen is one hell of a frontman too.

Cool shit, Henrik. How was primordial?

They were really good, even managing to live up to the hype from the RC board and their Nemtheanga-worship. Setlist:

The Golden Spiral
The Gathering Wilderness
Song Of The Tomb
Sons Of The Morrigan
The Coffin Ships
Gods To The Godless
No one mocked their country(s) to begin with. The incident I was referring to was a cartoon of Muhammed in a Dutch (or was is Danish?) newspaper... so they decided to burn American flags and shit in retaliation.

which is a completely stupid and irrational thing to do, besides why American flags? It was Europeans that did it, not us. then again, I wouldn't expect anything less from a bunch of towelheads.
^:kickass: @ your overkill shirt. I had one that had FUCK YOU written all over it and was DAMN proud of owning it, but I got a Caledonia(suidakra) shirt shipped from Europe with the Caledonia CD and now proudly sport that to all the concerts I go to. For some reason I'm extremely proud to have a metal shirt nobody recognizes and comments on when I go to shows, not only does it make me feel like I know a little more than the average meathead mosh-addict, it also gets me left the fuck alone when all I wana do is mental health(bang my head). Somethin always bothered me about people who feel the need to talk to someone just because they like their shirt. My brother wears an Iced Earth FUCK POSERS shirt to every concert we go to and hes a big fucker so everyone notices it and talks to him about it, and really I just wana be left alone, and with my Suidakra shirt, for the moment, I am how I wana be.

By the way.... I heard towelheads a while back, and it brought me back to the Carpet race and Elephant polo post of someone a few weeks ago. My god that was the funniest shit I've ever heard.

BTW.... Dark Tranquillity show???? BLOODY FUCKIN AMAZING. Into Eternity and DT kicked shit, and Scar Symmetry puttered along, but at least they werent the absolute joke of The Haunted(my opinion i dont wana hear yours). Good lord for guys from AT THE GATES they sure dont try very hard. It's like they stoop to the level of their vocalist, who you couldnt differentiate from a pool of hardcore screamo bullshit artists a la Black Dahlia Bury your Dead Throwdown etc. etc.... I was ashamed to have liked At the Gates.. I only wished The Haunted would have gone last so I could have left early and gone to see Grindhouse.
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