Opeth and religion

What is your religious worldview?

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You mean the most flawed design. If the most flawless design is a string of stories that are completely incoherent, illogical and can never be proven or disproven then apparently coming up with a flawless design is not very hard.

Religion would be the most flawless design if the existance of God was so obvious that no one could ever deny it. Like if he was some big dude living on top of a volcano somewhere and going "'sup dudes, I'm God. Bring me some virgins. Stat!". Oh and I guess it would help if he shot lightning beams at people. Fear always helps people believe (religion is mostly driven by fear to begin with).

You see, I disagree with that. :) Religion can be based on faith and whether or not you where born into a religion, or if you think another religion is superior to the other. I don't fear. What's to fear if I didn't believe in a god? I have my reasoning. I look at the stars at night, I look at the trees...and I know all these elements can't just be the creation of science alone. There's a devine force behind it.

For example, I am a Muslim. I pray five times a day. The Holy Quran has never been changed by man, never. There's science in the Quran that is only being discovered now with modern day techonlogy. No man could have ever come up with such information such as how the fetus forms and clings in the womb of the mother thousands of years ago!...etc...without modern day technology. I believe that the Prophet Mohummad (pbuh) was the messenger of Allah. I believe Jesus (Isa) was a prophet just like Moses...Abrahim....etc.

You see, it's faith. I think Islam is a beautiful religion which is often misunderstood by the media and many people in general.

I'm proudly going to say that Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world and still is. How ironic is it that many people coverted to Islam right after 911...

I read the Bible. It confused me, honestly. It's been changed over a hundred times now.

And Opeth is Opeth. Music is music. I love every man if he shows me respect. I'll return the favor. :)
I never knew until today that the word "muslim" means "one who submits" and Islam means "to submit or surrender"

Quite interesting indeed!
Don Corleone said:
yes, douglas adams has given a very nice description of him: basically, a man who suggested being nice to people for a change.

I love this...
Now it is such a bizarrely improbably coincidence that anything so mindbogglingly useful [the Babel fish] could have evolved by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

And about the Bible being changed: Yeah, that bugs me too. I read the gosple of Peter (I think), and it had some very good stuff. But the catholics didn't want it because it was anti-heirarchy er something. :ill:
This is a quote off the Tristania forum by one of the members of the band, I used it as a sig on another board for a while. It perfectly explains my way of thinking.
Religion would be the most flawless design if the existance of God was so obvious that no one could ever deny it. Like if he was some big dude living on top of a volcano somewhere and going "'sup dudes, I'm God. Bring me some virgins. Stat!". Oh and I guess it would help if he shot lightning beams at people.
Are you speaking of Thor or Zeuss.
The Dalai Lama once said that "Christianity would be the perfect religion....if it weren't for the Christians"
I also believe that we are inherently good/pure/innocent and are influenced into being rapist/murdering/George Bushes.
I must also make mention of 'duality'...
Good and evil (or the illusion of evil rather) is only an aspect of this plane of existence for comparative understanding ie. How could you know or understand love without the comparisons of fear or hatred?

I find rebellious-mall-goth-atheist-vampire halfwits very amusing. Does your black latex pants and face paint really disprove the existance of God? C'mon, surely you dont seriously believe that there is nothing beyond this......with every religion on the planet disproving atheism in many ways. Explain ghosts, demons or angels (Enochian magick is facinating). There is no doubt in my mind that life (and death) is far more complicated that just a flick of the switch.
Treitan said:
The Dalai Lama once said that "Christianity would be the perfect religion....if it weren't for the Christians"
I also believe that we are inherently good/pure/innocent and are influenced into being rapist/murdering/George Bushes.
I must also make mention of 'duality'...
Good and evil (or the illusion of evil rather) is only an aspect of this plane of existence for comparative understanding ie. How could you know or understand love without the comparisons of fear or hatred?

I find rebellious-mall-goth-atheist-vampire halfwits very amusing. Does your black latex pants and face paint really disprove the existance of God? C'mon, surely you dont seriously believe that there is nothing beyond this......with every religion on the planet disproving atheism in many ways. Explain ghosts, demons or angels (Enochian magick is facinating). There is no doubt in my mind that life (and death) is far more complicated that just a flick of the switch.
stop contradicting yourself
Treitan said:
C'mon, surely you dont seriously believe that there is nothing beyond this......with every religion on the planet disproving atheism in many ways. Explain ghosts, demons or angels (Enochian magick is facinating). There is no doubt in my mind that life (and death) is far more complicated that just a flick of the switch.

religion is not supposed to explain ghosts and demons. if one becomes religious to hear magic explained, then one should think again and reconsider one's motives for belief. there surely are deeper issues involved in belief in religion. to say that the existence of ghosts and demons is a disproof of atheism, hence a proof of the existence of god would be an overstatement, to say the least. i believe that is not all you meant to be talking about, but as they stand these remarks are hard to agree with.
derbeder said:
...to say that the existence of ghosts and demons is a disproof of atheism, hence a proof of the existence of god would be an overstatement, to say the least...
Indeed. How is the existence of ghosts and demons (assumed by this person without any support at all) in any way incompatible with the absence of a god or gods?
Heckelgruber said:
Indeed. How is the existence of ghosts and demons (assumed by this person without any support at all) in any way incompatible with the absence of a god or gods?
directly, it is not. however, if the basis one gives for not believing in deities is 'i can't see them' or 'i dont believe in the supernatural', but they credit demons or ghosts, this is a contradictiory worldview.
first of all, warning: offensive content.

i dont really know what it has to do with opeth, but if it is so vital for me to share my religious opinions, i believe in deism. Lets see. i cant really be satisfied with the scientifical explanations of this so called big bang, whatsoever. so i believe there's some "creator" which shouldnt be named as "god, allah, the one above... etc" cus it should depend on the believers opinion because noone has the right to stick their noses into one's beliefs. therefore, there shouldnt be a dispute over this subject but that sounds too utopic, i know. I chose deism, because well i think all these prophets, the holy books.. etc is a total bullshit, not something more than a fairy tale. No offence though, its just my opinion. Moses... who the hell is this guy? ive never heard or seen anything about him. just theres the story of him splitting the sea into two and walking through it and why would i believe in that? then theres jesus. woah the miracle man, the son of god etc. i even sometimes doubt that the guy existed. and even if he did his father obviously wasnt god. it sounds so fictionary. i am not satisfied with him either. then theres mohammed. i know many information about him. First of all he had all the symptoms of epilepsy and those were called the divine inspirations. He, in my opinio wasjust a smart guy who was not satisfied with his nation and country, so wanted to do a revelation and this might have seemed as the best way to do it. then he made up sum stuff and he proclaimed to be the prophet. and voila. 3 different religions of god were being brought. First off all if god was to inform the people about his existance, thus his requests why would he do that in 3 times instead of doing it only once and perfectly, as if he is claimed to be the very first and the only perfect one? that sound wrong. and yet another thing, why did he stop sending "prophets" as he used to do once in 600-700 years? I think the "creator" just created the very first atom and he.... went to the toilet i dont know about that:p

at last but not least, for the believers of god i have a question for ya. As god being allmighty etc etc, can he create a stone that is too heavy for him to carry? thank you :)
Raistlin Majere said:
at last but not least, for the believers of god i have a question for ya. As god being allmighty etc etc, can he create a stone that is too heavy for him to carry? thank you :)
is he bound by the natural laws of physics which he himself supposedly created? can he create a paradox he himself cannot solve? truly such things should be left in middle school in my opinion... creating 'logical' contradictions implies that such a deity must follow the rules of logic as determined by human beings.
God could exist outside of time and space, So these paradoxes are meaningless.

I guess I would be deist, but I like the teachings of Jesus so I might as well be a Christian too, eh?
it would be funny if we are just a scientific experiment of a much larger more advanced form of life, and they are watching us........:goggly:
cuntface said:
it would be funny if we are just a scientific experiment of a much larger more advanced form of life, and they are watching us........:goggly:
and God could be just one of many scientists. We could be in a petri dish :hypno:
Raistlin Majere said:
yes or no mister :p
if you insist.

Moses... who the hell is this guy? ive never heard or seen anything about him. just theres the story of him splitting the sea into two and walking through it and why would i believe in that?
you might believe in geographical and archeological evidence indicating a massive flood in the region *did* occur, with one sea spilling into another after overriding the banks seperating them, and who is to say that a sea can't lower its water level revealing a sandbar?

then theres jesus. woah the miracle man, the son of god etc. i even sometimes doubt that the guy existed. and even if he did his father obviously wasnt god. it sounds so fictionary. i am not satisfied with him either.
Most scientists will agree the man existed. Just exactly *what* he was is the subject of much debate. How does his existence automatically remove the potential to be supernatural? Who says you can either be human or god, but not human+god?

then theres mohammed. i know many information about him. First of all he had all the symptoms of epilepsy and those were called the divine inspirations. He, in my opinio wasjust a smart guy who was not satisfied with his nation and country, so wanted to do a revelation and this might have seemed as the best way to do it. then he made up sum stuff and he proclaimed to be the prophet. and voila. 3 different religions of god were being brought.
Mohammed didn't start the other two if that's what you're implying.

First off all if god was to inform the people about his existance, thus his requests why would he do that in 3 times instead of doing it only once and perfectly, as if he is claimed to be the very first and the only perfect one?
When you talk to people and they don't listen, do you repeat yourself?

and yet another thing, why did he stop sending "prophets" as he used to do once in 600-700 years? Perhaps he got tired of repeating himself. Why send prophets when the people will simply call them fools?

And I believe we've already covered the paradox question.
stop the speculations too, it's retarded.
If you don't have any proofs then stop pushing your beliefs or argumenting in favour of them. Like 'god is this', 'god is that', you don't know, so shut up
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