Opeth on Roadrunner?

Trey Parker said:
if they go commercial, then they will write shitty songs. the reason they're not commercial now is because they write good songs. case in point: lamb of gord
Bah, I'm amused at people who still think you need to have some level of above average intelligence to be an Opeth fan, and that the band isn't mainstream because the music is "too complex" for the average person. The band is much more accessible then most people here seem to think. Case in point- go read the guestbook on opeth.com, go browse some popular websites and look at the type of people who are into Opeth these days. These people aren't exactly the metal/prog/music nerds who like to frequent this board.

For example I found these in 5 mins, and I have yet to look upon the turd known as myspace.
all that happened after the succes of blackwater park...
I am afraid too. I still think the cd 's gonna good but we never know.
They are touring with so many nu-metal bands this summer.. there are so many nu-metal bands on roadrunner. Songs like deliverance sounds so roadrunner... The band loves that song and it's one of my least favorites.
tIme will tell.
But I would like to see them tour with type o negative. They already did some gigs together.
R0l0 said:
Bah, I'm amused at people who still think you need to have some level of above average intelligence to be an Opeth fan, and that the band isn't mainstream because the music is "too complex" for the average person. The band is much more accessible then most people here seem to think. Case in point- go read the guestbook on opeth.com, go browse some popular websites and look at the type of people who are into Opeth these days. These people aren't exactly the metal/prog/music nerds who like to frequent this board.

For example I found these in 5 mins, and I have yet to look upon the turd known as myspace.
Indeed, my friend is into Opeth (mostly only the soft stuff), and he listens to a ton of nu-metal...

See here;
TheApostle said:
It doesn't matter what label they sign to, Mikael, Peter, Lopez, and Mendez will always make good music. Maybe it won't be the same as their old, "classic" albums, maybe it will. No matter what, Opeth is Opeth and they will come back and rip your heads off.

How many good bands are out there? Are they all on the same label? No because they sign with different labels to get certain things. Obviously Opeth is interested in Road Runner, so fucking let them. You should all just go post on one of those forums where they talk about how bands used to be so much better on their early albums. Shut up.
Orchid + Morningrise will always be thier best.
R0l0 said:
Wow... just wow. I'm not gonna say anything until I hear the music, but I can't say I like the direction they're choosing by marketing themselves more to the whole American "headbanger's ball" scene.
That's where the $$$' at my boy.
Ugh, if this is true this sucks. Roadrunner has a habit of screwing bands that aren't commercially "trendy". Roadrunner screwed Death, Deicide and most other death/thrash bands from the 80's and 90's.
It's fucked that Roadrunner signed all these nu metal, metal core bands during the last 10 years.
Although Cradle of Filth's best days are behind them, they are signed to RR, but marketed to the nu metal/metalcore trend hoppers.
Kinda sucks, but this IS the music industry for you..
Who knows how Opeth will do on Roadrunner, but chances are if they don't conform to the trends they will be dropped, ignored or not well promoted.I hope Opeth don't sell out, but ya know, the days of Mornigrise, My Arms, your Hearse are long done.
The only convinence of opeth signing to Roadrunner is that Roadrunner's offices are in NYC, and perhaps I can do an internship there.Other wise, Opeth would do better as in thier best interest on a more extreme metal oreinted label.
Damn, this sucks as bad as when Metallica got Bob Rock to produce the black CD.
Keep in mind now, Mike's got a baby daughter and a wife so it's not only about him anymore. The man's got to be a provider and think about the best choice for the family. He's a family guy! Mike has my upmost respect for being a father.
Next cd produced by Ross Robinson? Fuck I hope not. I'll wait to here the music but I just have a bad feeling when Roadrunner gets mentioned. Although MH's new cd was good. I hope this is some April Fool's Day joke a month late or something.
...Please, for the unconditional love that I have for this forum, SHUT THE HELL UP.
Who are we to judge? There are people here that already believed that Opeth has already signed a contract with Roadrunner because blabbermouth.net said so.
Doing what they are doing already, neither their music nor the essence of the band that comes with a trajectory of more than 10 years, it's going to change for an absurd change of record label.
Who knows? probably it's better, the label can distribute WAY much better their records and even to have more possibilities of doing tours in other parts of the world. Because, let me tell you, you don't have any idea of how sad is not to be able to see the bands that, someone like me, love.
So if they get a contract deal with Roadrunner, who-fucking-cares? Good for them, I don't know what to think now... fucking hell.
Luz said:
So if they get a contract deal with Roadrunner, who-fucking-cares? Good for them, I don't know what to think now... fucking hell.
That's funny, you seemed to have quite a different view about it in the other 'Opeth signing to Road Runner.' thread :Spin:
^That's why I said: 'I don't know what to think now'.
And if you think about it, you always wish all the luck to those bands who really deserve an opportunity to be known by the rest and Opeth is one of those bands. That's what I think now, and of course I'd change my mind in some minutes.
Bottom line- Roadrunner is a scary thought for a reason and that's because we can possibly lose one of our favorite bands because we've seen what they've done to others.

There are other bands out there that have even resisted the changes imposed on them and gotten fucked by it. Notice how Nevermore's EoR was remastered only a year later? It was because Century media screwed them on the recording budget. They made good enough to make Nevermore want to resign, but it's bullshit and to say that doesn't have an effect on the quality of the writing, is stupid.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I can't wait for the down-tuned guitars and the off/on bass pedal.

I seriously doubt that they'll get that bad, but I'm sure that they'll turn into another Cradle of Filth the the kiddies. I'll dread the day when I have to cover up my Opeth
"O" tattoo because I see people sporting Opeth shirts all the time.

Nice sig Burzumite, I to miss family guy, can't wait for the new season.

I think you guys are worrying about this to much, tuned down guitars, thats making asumations that Opeth want to sell out.
For one thing, we don't know for certain that they DID in fact sign with RR. And come on guys, give Opeth a little more credit here. If they wanted to "sell out" and make more money by appealing to the masses, I have to believe they'd have tried that sooner. Why would they release six albums for the sake of musical creativity and then turn around and throw that away? If they were going to sell out, you'd think they'd have done it before now. Instead they've kept their artistic integrity and avoided changing their image/music simply to conform to pop culture.

And as someone pointed out, though I don't remember if it was in this thread or another one, right now Opeth aren't exactly the most inaccessible metal band out there anyway. (At least in my experience.) They were one of the first true metal bands I started listening to. Then again, I got into metal via punk (hard to explain, but true) so the way I learned about Opeth probably isn't typical...