Opeth rules, Metal sucks


A Mind Forever Voyaging
Jul 10, 2001
Grave with a view
I've just been listening to all my metal albums, and realised that Opeth is actually now the only "heavy" band that I like.... that is, using distorted guitars and partly aggressive music.

Now i'm finding myself puzzled as to why I liked the music called "metal" in the first place.... Opeth will always be my no. 1 band, but maybe i'm just "over" the need to use music as an outlet for aggression.... but i know some of you on this forum who are twice my age DO listen to heavy music, and i'm also baffled as to why there are so many "metal" related posts on the forum.... To me, Opeth is far more closely related to the likes of Bjork and Tori amos than it is to system of a down and darkthrone (ugh!)

There really should be a new genre called "Opeth"
and this is my (generalised) definition of the two genres....:

Metal- big, ugly hairy sweaty men screaming unintelligent and incomprehensible words into the mike and furiously twanging a few strings while horrible music echoes from the speakers...

Opeth - Dynamic, multifaceted, and intellectual music played with remarkable musicianship, passion and fervour by four outstanding musicians...

Does anyone else actually consider Opeth "metal"? Because they really are much more and don't deserve to be called that...

Hope i haven't offended anyone !:loco:

Originally posted by hibernal_dream

Opeth - Dynamic, multifaceted, and intellectual music played with remarkable musicianship, passion and fervour by four outstanding musicians...

Well, I can relate some "metal" bands to what you describe above (apart from that exact FOUR musicians), namely Dark Tranquillity, The Black League, etc.

But I agree with your main point: Opeth is far above the majority of "metal".

Originally posted by hibernal_dream
maybe i'm just "over" the need to use music as an outlet for aggression

If that's your main like for metal, then yeah, I can understand where you're coming from- everyone has to continue to grow, you change your ideas alot as you get older (once you get over the whole 'teenage aggression' thing :rolleyes: , life isn't so bad ;) ). Personally, my listening to metal fulfills alot of areas. I like the technicality of the stuff I listen to- being somewhat of a hard-core musician, I need complex music, and the only other fields where I'm going to find that level of musicianship are Classical and Jazz (both of which I also listen to). I also like the emotion of it (well, I'm a doomster to be fair, but I also get those vibes off certain death and black metal bands). Those moments when a band comes up with a killer melodic riff- I live for those.

Does anyone else actually consider Opeth "metal"? Because they really are much more and don't deserve to be called that...

That comments a little harsh (and I'm not saying that in an offended way :) ). Opeth are one of many complex metal bands, yes they are great, but I don't see them as being any different from any one of a dozen or more (probably alot more) bands I could name. The 'don't deserve to be called metal' comment (yeah, I know you were generalising a bit ;) ), I think relates back to my opening points, and what you were looking to get out of the metal genre. Metal, I think it's fair to say, is waaay more than just 5 guys beating the hell out of their instruments :)lol: you know what I mean ;) ). It's also (IMHO), one of the more diverse genres out there- you can get primal stuff, such as 'True Norwegian Black Metal' ;) , to sophisticated stuff like Opeth, to more commercial stuff (Anathema), all under the umbrella of metal, so I really don't think you can make a sweeping generalisation about it.
Metal- big, ugly hairy sweaty men screaming unintelligent and incomprehensible words into the mike and furiously twanging a few strings while horrible music echoes from the speakers...

Well if you know your metal, you would know that your definition of metal is right, at least the essence of it was, and it should be that way. So Opeth is not just metal (obviously) by your standards.
So i guess you cant name them a metal band uh. :heh:
But hell over the time metal has evolved and it changed.
But it still has the long hair. Hurray. :D

To me, Opeth is far more closely related to the likes of Bjork and Tori amos than it is to system of a down and darkthrone (ugh!)

In some ways, Opeth are related to Darkthrone in your opinion, since im pretty sure you think that Opeth started a new genre and are very unique. Darkthrone did that exactly 10 years ago. You must give credit to the 2 bands for what they did to the underground.
And System of A Down sux ass, its not metal, its worst then a grandma stuck in a lawnmower. :loco:

NP: Morbid Angel - Blessed Are The Sick

Oh btw Opeth Rules, Metal Rules.
yeah i agree, but opeth aren't just 4 musicians, there were others in the band before now and i still consider them as opeth:rolleyes: , i think opeth have become a major part of many peoples lives and are more than just metal:loco:
Metal sucks??!! Hardly. Opeth is my favorite band, but there are countless other metal bands that I also listen to. And Opeth doesn't sound like System of a Down because System of a Down isn't metal.
Yeah, that's true _Transparent_. There were only 4 members in the band at each point of making the albums, but others made their marks forever. I think about it, and I really can't come up with any downsides (BECAUSE EVERYTHING HAS A DOWNSIDE!) of Opeth except that it's harder to find music that pleases me now. I'm very picky now...quick to judge which I try not to be so I end up giving shitty music a THOROUGH listen before I come to the same conclusion of my first opinion.

System of a down? I was listening to the radio last weekend (a rare thing) and I heard a song from them. :lol: Oh, man. WHAT ARE THEY DOING?! AND WHY ARE THEY DOING IT?! OK, that was a bit harsh. I know someone or some on this list like them and I'm sorry. I guess I'll have to read an interview. Who knows, maybe they're on their way to something big. And Disturbed. :lol: That was played at a pub I go to with a shot of Kitty after it. :rolleyes:

Note to self: Load up the jukebox on arrival from now on.

I never thought I would laugh again, I should be knowing this, it used to be me."
I've always found Opeth to be a band that strived creatively, always stretching boundries to create music.

They can be classified in many genres, but as soem great person said, " There are two types of music, Good and Bad". and I am in full agreement with that statement.
Well, I think that´s f***ing bull! Metal can be good in so many other ways. I love Opeth, but I don´t think their music is the only worth listening to. There are so many good metal bands. Here´s a few: Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Slayer, Metallica, Morbid Angel, Entombed, Candlemass, Grave, Dissection, The Haunted, At The Gates, Vader, Nevermore, Deicide, Pantera, Helloween, Blind Guardian, Dark Funeral, Marduk, Arcturus, Borknagar, Vintersorg, Dismember, Cryptopsy, Manowar, Testament, Anthrax, Dream Theater, Fates Warning, Kreator, Sodom, Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Symphony X, Deep Purple, Arch Enemy, Therion, Unanimated, Amorphis, Dimmu Borgir, Strapping Young Lad, Biohazard, Emperor, Satyricon etc, etc, etc, etc.
Opeth rules and metal fucking rules too! I completely agree with Svenske Kocken. Opeth is at the top of the heap in my opinion in terms of metal but there are so many other metal bands that create simply brilliant music. Opeth is not the only one! Hibernal Dream your definition of Opeth can be applied to many, many other bands in metal. You are making a complete generalization of metal and a false one at that. If Opeth is the only "metal" band that you like, then fine, I could care less. Just don't make false generalizations about the whole of metal music which has spawned some of the most creative, talented, complex, and emotional music in history. I would definitely say that Opeth is the start of a new genre within the world of metal, but goddamit it's fucking metal!!!
Metal = simple repetitive ideas at a loud volume, with solos and pretention at virtuosity, which is what distinguishes it from punk.

Good Metal = the energy, the emotion, the drive. Good Metal takes your mind, your heart and your body over and presents an artistic vision. 95% of everything is shit, but within these 5% we can find a lot Good Metal.

Opeth has nothing in common with Bjork or Tori Amos. They're very different musics. Opeth is metal-expression, works on dynamics and effective riff-sequences, on repetition and vocal aggression. Bjork and Tori Amos do not thrive on repetition, but rather on detail and nuance. Opeth have also a lot of detail and nuance, but it is presented in a radically different way (condensed within riffs and global structures), which probably makes them transcend the metal cliche slightly, but still they are high-class, refined, artful *Metal*.

Teenage aggression = Limp Bizkit.

D Mullholand, a dead composer
NP: Septic Flesh - Ophidian Wheel (Good Metal)
For me, "metal" describes much more than a measure of harshness. For me, it's a measure of darkness. Most dark music is heavy, but some light stuff is dark as well. Tori is a metal goddess, heheh.

Perception is everything,

ok so, considering the fact that the two "metal" bands that you stated were dark throne and system of a down, i take it you dont know many bands???? First off, dark throne is only one type of metal, they are one of the most extreme bands.... the genre of metal has so mayn other styles i cant even count them....... second - soad isnt metal, as other people already stated

dark throne by no means defines all metal, by NO MEANS....... theres more then just death metal out there....
hibernal_dream and warsofwinter, what bands have you been listening to lately if you havent been listening to any metal? im curious to hear some band names...
I think that there should be a genre for each and every band. I mean, saying that metal is metal is like putting 'DEATH' and 'NEVEMORE' in the same category, although two awesome bands in their own right, they are nothing alike. It would be like putting opeth and morbid angel together in one genre.

And no. I don't listen to metal for agression release... never have. I listen to opeth because of the intense musicianship and intelligence of the music and lyrics. I listen to alot of metal, and some non metal bands like 'the tea party' and 'days of the new' simply because they share the same musicianship and lyrical intelligence.

Your reason for listen to metal is not the only reason...
Wow, i got a lot more positive responses than i thought i would! Thanks! :p

ok so, considering the fact that the two "metal" bands that you stated were dark throne and system of a down, i take it you dont know many bands???? First off, dark throne is only one type of metal, they are one of the most extreme bands.... the genre of metal has so mayn other styles i cant even count them....... second - soad isnt metal, as other people already stated

Well, i happen to know a lot of metal bands, but to prove my point i chose the worst (my opinion) bands that have been discussed here before. Journalist's technique

Opeth has nothing in common with Bjork or Tori Amos. They're very different musics. Opeth is metal-expression, works on dynamics and effective riff-sequences, on repetition and vocal aggression. Bjork and Tori Amos do not thrive on repetition, but rather on detail and nuance. Opeth have also a lot of detail and nuance, but it is presented in a radically different way (condensed within riffs and global structures), which probably makes them transcend the metal cliche slightly, but still they are high-class, refined, artful *Metal*.

I'm not talking technicality or structure here, i'm talking about emotion. Does darkthrone have sorrowful and emotion-drenched acoustic and vocal passages? I think not.... other things are common as well, like the lyrics... Opeth talk about life but in a different context, using stories only as a basis to convey emotion... mikael sings what he feels:

"Still I plotted to have her back
The contentment that would fill the crack
My soul released a fluttering sigh
This day fell, the darkness nigh"

as opposed to:

"Horned Master of Endless Time
Summon thy Unholy Disciples
Trained for Centuries to Come.
Gather on the highest Mountain
United by Hatred;
The final Superjoint Ritual..."

(superjoint?) :lol:

And no. I don't listen to metal for agression release... never have. I listen to opeth because of the intense musicianship and intelligence of the music and lyrics. I listen to alot of metal, and some non metal bands like 'the tea party' and 'days of the new' simply because they share the same musicianship and lyrical intelligence

Thanks :p you just proved my point! I don't listen to opeth for aggression release either....

hibernal_dream and warsofwinter, what bands have you been listening to lately if you havent been listening to any metal? im curious to hear some band names...

Well, i'm finding a lot of interesting stuff, from hip-hop to ambient to electronica.... I used to HATE that stuff, but i withdrew myself from it for a few years and, as Satori said, came back with a different perspective... Its hard to listen to the actual MUSIC when you hate a band that much, about 5 years ago i had a "smashing pumpkins" CD which i used to like a lot... i listen to it now, and to me its just a bunch of noise and a whiny vocalist... i don't hear any music, just the things i hate about it.. just my perspective. My life's changed so much in the last few years that i automatically listened to new metal without realising why... i just looked for certain aspects which i thought i liked and listened, admiring the precision of the drums and sound of the guitar, but not actually ENJOYING them.

We can all convince each other that some metal bands are good, we won't be able to deny it... just as we can't deny that "Usher" puts together some good vocal harmonies.... but thats not going to make us like it, is it?
Thanks you just proved my point! I don't listen to opeth for aggression release either....

uhh... i was agreeing with you that opeth is intelligent, what was with the tongue?? Fuck you! ha ha ha :lol:

And with your agreeance on my agreeing with your point (huh?) you also prove my point, that not all metal is unintelligent.

Listen to some nevermore and you'll see what i mean (not from DHIADW tho)