Back to the original intent of the post..
I do find most metal boring. I've checked out a number of bands frequently mentioned on this forum, but the music hasn't done anything for me. I really liked one Anathema track I heard, but my tastes went backwards from metal to a lot of lighter stuff.
The only metal I listen to other than Opeth is, well, Samael's Passage. I don't know why, but I really like that album.
I find most metal (namely the stuff I bought on a whim) very repetetive and boring. I LOVED Old Man's Child before, but their newest albums have just been uninteresting to me.
I'm still interested in finding some Vintersorg!
But for now, I'm listening to a lot of Zeppelin, Floyd, and Cream. Sometimes it's best to go back to your roots.
Opeth are metal, but they're a branch of metal that evokes a lot more emotion through music and lyric than other bands.
Satori: Tori Amos a Metal goddess? I suppose so..