Opeth = Superior

ffanatic said:
Ummm, if Agalloch ripped off anyone, it would be early Ulver.

Fuckin' aye. People who compare em to Opeth are morons...their biggest 'influence' (well, they also directly ripped a few things off of them) is definately early Ulver, dammit.
Agalloch generally bore me, but I can see why some people would enjoy the music, so no hard feelings there (I mean hey, can't some of us say the same about Opeth?).

I've actually recently discovered Ulver's Perdition City... and I love 'Lost in Moments' for that slightly lounge feeling piano and sax... I love dark chillout music like that, I just wish I could get ahold of more of it.
currently right now i find more entertainment in dream theater, death, and decapitated than opeth. but maybe its just been my musical mood lately..
AbsentFriend said:
No, but really, why has nobody mentioned another band that's better
It would take me a long time to compile a list that long, and right now, I don't have the time. Maybe later.
AbsentFriend said:
Agalloch sucks soooo bad. Opeth ripoff!
I'd have to agree with ReDilS.kCalB on this one... collectively, Opeth have an amazing back catalogue but I'd take The Mantle over any single Opeth disc.

You really can't compare them anyway. Both bands have acoustic bits and heavy bits, and there's probably where the similarity ends. Where Opeth are death metal, Agalloch are black metal, where Opeth have that touch of 70's psychedelia, Agalloch have a touch of post-rock. They wouldn't be the same without those instrumental interludes, either.

If you wanna go pick on an Opeth ripoff, go find April Ethereal or whatever they're called.
Why is everybody reacting to the "Opeth ripoff" thing? I wasn't even the one to start about Agalloch. But what I've heard of them, I do not like. But I actually know too little of them to call them an Opeth ripoff.
I'm generalizing here, so please nobody take this personally:

I've noticed that, similarly to Tool fanboys, Opeth fanboys seem to be rather unaware of good music below the level of popularity (and outside of the genre) of their favorite band. And because the large majority of bands in these genres and at that level of popularity aren't comparable to their favorite band, they become fanboys.

For example, Tool fanboys tend to listen to Tool and a myriad of nu-metal bands. Opeth fanboys tend to listen to Opeth and a myriad of melodic death bands.

The fact that they think nothing compares to their favorite band simply because they haven't looked any deeper is really very annoying.
Raven The Molested said:
I'm generalizing here, so please nobody take this personally:

I've noticed that, similarly to Tool fanboys, Opeth fanboys seem to be rather unaware of good music below the level of popularity (and outside of the genre) of their favorite band. And because the large majority of bands in these genres and at that level of popularity aren't comparable to their favorite band, they become fanboys.

For example, Tool fanboys tend to listen to Tool and a myriad of nu-metal bands. Opeth fanboys tend to listen to Opeth and a myriad of melodic death bands.

The fact that they think nothing compares to their favorite band simply because they haven't looked any deeper is really very annoying.

Who are you to call me a fanboy. Yes I take this personally. I don't know how old you are, but I'm 26 and I've been a metal fan for 14 years now. I love metal and music in general. Before becomming a metal fan, I've listened to The Simple Minds, U2 and a lot of other 80's music. I still love this kind of music. Hell I even love Chris Isaac's music, or Everlast. I love Coldplay and Blof (dutch). In metal I have a very broad taste. Ranging from Madball to Within Temptation, Type O Negative, Machine Head, Megadeth, The Old Dead Tree, The Gathering, Thin Lizzy, Biohazard, Life of Agony, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Soilwork, Therion, Merauder, an many many more. A few minutes ago I heard Insomnium for the first time and they kick some major ass. So don't call me an Opeth fanboy. My opinion is just that Opeth make the best blend of music there is. That's MY opinion and I wanted to know if there are any other people thinking the same way. So you all shut the fuck up if you don't have anything else to say than "fanboy" and some other words surounding it. Why is this board always so go goddamn negative....
Raven summed it up perfectly. Try calming down, AbsentFriend. Yes I enjoy Opeth a great deal (though I havn't listened to them in months) but no I don't feel that it so much better than any music out there.
Raven The Molested said:
I'm generalizing here, so please nobody take this personally:

I've noticed that, similarly to Tool fanboys, Opeth fanboys seem to be rather unaware of good music below the level of popularity (and outside of the genre) of their favorite band. And because the large majority of bands in these genres and at that level of popularity aren't comparable to their favorite band, they become fanboys.

For example, Tool fanboys tend to listen to Tool and a myriad of nu-metal bands. Opeth fanboys tend to listen to Opeth and a myriad of melodic death bands.

The fact that they think nothing compares to their favorite band simply because they haven't looked any deeper is really very annoying.
You hit the proverbial nail on the head. Nice post.
id agree agalloch the mantle is a great cd. but it doesnt have the "umph" i enjoy. its too relaxed and at times a little boring unless your in the mood. not enough diversity for me. because if you take the album as a whole it only has a few climaxes and the rest is wondering depressed lonely through the forest or whatever. which is nice and all. but if your not in the mood for that type of sound its really not gonna lift you
AbsentFriend said:
Who are you to call me a fanboy. Yes I take this personally. I don't know how old you are, but I'm 26 and I've been a metal fan for 14 years now. I love metal and music in general. Before becomming a metal fan, I've listened to The Simple Minds, U2 and a lot of other 80's music. I still love this kind of music. Hell I even love Chris Isaac's music, or Everlast. I love Coldplay and Blof (dutch). In metal I have a very broad taste. Ranging from Madball to Within Temptation, Type O Negative, Machine Head, Megadeth, The Old Dead Tree, The Gathering, Thin Lizzy, Biohazard, Life of Agony, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Soilwork, Therion, Merauder, an many many more. A few minutes ago I heard Insomnium for the first time and they kick some major ass. So don't call me an Opeth fanboy. My opinion is just that Opeth make the best blend of music there is. That's MY opinion and I wanted to know if there are any other people thinking the same way. So you all shut the fuck up if you don't have anything else to say than "fanboy" and some other words surounding it. Why is this board always so go goddamn negative....
Honestly, my post wasn't particularly directed at you. It's just something I've been considering for a while and this seemed like an appropriate place to post it. Regardless of whether you're a fanboy or not, your post came off as rather fanboyish. Opeth is one of my favorite bands too, but I don't feel the need to go into gushing descriptions of them and their effect on me (while pretty much insulting every band that isn't Opeth) for no apparent reason.
Dreamlord said:
You hit the proverbial nail on the head. Nice post.
Agree too... I feel pity for those who can just listen to opeth and consider them the ONLY good band in whole music scene...i feel really sorry.

And to make an example on the here brought in discussion: Agalloch or Opeth. What are ya all fighting about? How can one be better than other if they are SO different. Both Metal, both progressive- but bringing SO different musical and emotional input. Not only the vocals but the whole atmosphere, the usage of instruments etc. are TOTALLY different. It all ends in total different styles these groups play. Where opeth experimetns with progressive-death metal mix- agalloch obviously concentrates on moody dark music, which can be imo best called as DOOM metal. Both represent the highest level of these SUBGENRES...but to call one of them BEST music can give...

Besides, dont forget the main part of the whole- TASTE, and that includes music taste, is PERSONAL! and always will be!
You know, I just like the idea of a big sub-group of people thinking the same way or enjoying the same musical group. It gives you the sense of strength and togetherness. Just like supporting a football team.

I just wanted to know if there are any equally minded people over here. But most of the time everyone is against the other one's opinion, just to be different. You can not tell me that someone actually enjoys listening to some really obscure shitty sounding black/prog metal band (no not Agalloch) and say that they're better than Opeth or whatever. I think they enjoy that band just to be different, they enjoy being different. And they hate Opeth or their fans, because they are "too popular". That has nothing to do with musical taste.

Oh yeah, and the word "fanboy" is often being used as another word for fan. Yes, I'm a fan of Opeths music. Yes I want my CD signed by them, talk to Mikael, Peter or the Martin's. Yes I was very fucking happy that I got Peter's guitar-pick and one of Martin's drumsticks. Is that fanboyism? No, that's being a fan. Explane "fanboy" to me.