Opeth's Anthem?

I would go with demon of the fall for opeth.

Whole lotta love for Zeppelin.

EDIT: for all the people questioning zeppelin's anthem.. how can you really pick one for a band that has like 28 singles? it's almost impossible to say "this is the song that this band is known by" when almost all their songs are popular. But if it really came down to it, i would pick "whole lotta love" over stairway.
Liquid Diamonds said:
Led Zeppelin never, ever released singles. At least, not until many years after the split. So, 28 singles? Where did you get that from? :erk:

28 is an exaggerated number from the amount of led zeppelin songs you can hear on the radio. I dont care what they release as singles, im talking about led zeppelin songs that are popularly heard. i really cant belive you took that number seriously...
It's not the number I'm quibbling, it's the fact that they didn't release singles at all. So, it didn't really matter what number you picked. However, acknowledging that you meant songs you're likely to hear, then you have a fair point :)
Also, I'm not sure where you're from, but if you're from the US, then the whole system of singles is different, so you could be right in those terms for all I know. Sorry if you thought I was being a smart-ass :D
ViCyniC said:
DOTF is usually the one constant at the Opeth concerts...how can you say it isn't the most well heard song? Sure, the noobs probably heard TDF more than DOTF in their sound system, but seasoned fans have listened to DOTF much longer than they have TDF.

The drapery falls has everything opeth are in one song.
It should be Godhead's Lament, such a fantastic song and one of the few containing all the elements of Opeth. Drapery Falls, unfortunately, is better known but to my mind is less 'Opethy' since it stays in the same "mood" with little change in colour and emotional impact throughout the song. That's not to say it's a bad song, it just doesn't cover the field of emotions as much as GL does - confusion, sorrow, joy, triumph.
i wanna agree and say "When", but that's just a biased opinion cause it's my favortie opeth song. my immediate response to this question is "Demon of the Fall", but i think "Blackwater Park" or "White Cluster" should be considered as well.