Other Bands for Theocracy Fans?

dude not all churches are like that haha.
I agree. There are churches led by God and churches led by man...

That is Catholicism. There are some good churches out there.
I'm not Catholic, but I think we are not able to criticize them, and say "We are better than them", 'cause we are all sinners (they are obviously wrong on a lot of things, but we aren't perfect too).

Churches which were led by man put God's name in shame, it's time to show the World that there are still churches led by God, and that God is a living God who loves them and can perform miracles !!!! :D
Ryan you sound like a gigantic hypocrite, think before you type.

The Catholic Church went through a lot of evil throughout it's existence, and seeing as it's here today is the proof of God leading it, not man, I remember hearing a quote a long time ago that goes something like this "you shouldn't try to destroy the Church, the Church has tried to destroy itself so far, but God didn't allow it".

I can comment on Vatican's wealth, but that's my view since I'm not familiar with their status, but you can't go all out and dis it's direction.

If you weren't born there you wouldn't think that way seeing as you wouldn't be what you are in the first place.
Let me reword this. BTW My Mom was raised in a catholic family. What I was meaning was not all churches are like that. Not all churches are pouring into one place. There are different branches. So not all pour into one guy. If i sounded like I was saying, "down with them" them I'm sorry.

By the way there are other churches (Protestant) that are doing the same thing. Using guilt to get some money. A lot of churches do it. It's corruption and it upsets me a lot.

Oh and another thing I know a bit about Italy because my grandpa is from there and I have family over there. People are very intimidated by the vatican. The church is in fact up there with the government. Can be a good thing, but can be a bad thing. "With great power comes great responsibility". I know, lame quote. haha!

@ Child of God. What you said is what I meant to articulate. I was meaning that there are churches led by God and churches led by man. It seems to me that a lot of other churches I've seen are just as corrupt. I saw a televangelist who was like basically saying God would bless them if they donated and he would not if they did not donate. VERY sad to see that.

Sorry if I offended anyone. I typed the comment in carelessly and was actually thinking of rewording it today and hoping no one would catch it by the time I would get on (Well that did not turn out so well haha!)
I apologize.

The televangelists you mentioned is a topic covered by maiden in Holy Smoke, enough of offtopic.
I dislike such propaganda, but as I see the 'Church' I mean the teachings of the Catholic Church, it's wrong to shrug off Catholicism as a corrupt body for some individuals who did nasty things in the name of It. To my knowledge, the priest in my clergy is a great man, apart from his harsh personality he's a man with no sins known to me, and if I could be totally subjective, that would base my entire opinion on Christianity: a man serving God, leading the people. He drives the same car he got from his brother as a gift 10 years ago. I never saw him get greedy.

But then again I read about a case in CA where a clergy paid some mother 600 million $ to silence her because they molested her son.

That's just messed up. The amount sounds surreal but the story is beyond the teachings of the Catholic Church.

The way I see the constitution it's flawless, but I know nothing beyond my clergy (it's all hear-say).
The problem that makes the Catholic Church have more of a tendency to fall into that sort of thing (led by man, etc.) is that Catholocism focuses so much on the power of the Church. Sure, they believe in salvation through Jesus Christ, but they also believe in salvation by good works and the Church's blessing, or so I have learned. Since the Church is so powerful and important, they can do things that Catholics who just want salvation won't attack them for, for fear of being excommunicated, which I believe they think keeps you out of heaven. It's a sad thing, but is unavoidable whenever people get too much power.
True. Not all Catholic people are unsaved though. When people say that it is impossible for them to be then I get a lil ticked offf. Some are.

I'd say most are. All of them who put their faith in Jesus Christ to save them, anyway. And I'd venture a guess that if they exist, it's a small minority of Catholics indeed that place all their trust in the Church, and none in God.
Catholicism was first, why are you referring to it as some secular sect?

A lot of this conversation does not matter but that is not true. Look back at the days of Paul in the bible. The way he did things (and many other people of his time) wasn't similar to Catholicism. no need to slam anyone here though. Let's just end it here. This is headed downward.
Deep stuff for sure. Uhm....any other bands in mind? I've found some good power metal: Royal Hunt and Silent Force--listed as Christian, but not sure if they pour message into their metal or not. Good sound though. Great voice, like Kansas & Priest mixed, if that makes sense. :hypno:
Wow. Sounds pretty cool I have not listened to them. I'll give it a try myself. Ever tried Majestic Vangaurd? They are pretty good but they have mentioned about them choosing their own fate in their songs before. It contradicts the bible. Most of their songs are pretty good though.

You could always try the classics of christian metal. Petra and Stryper (power not prog) ... then a somewhat classic... Seventh Avenue.
Wow. Sounds pretty cool I have not listened to them. I'll give it a try myself. Ever tried Majestic Vangaurd? They are pretty good but they have mentioned about them choosing their own fate in their songs before. It contradicts the bible. Most of their songs are pretty good though.

You could always try the classics of christian metal. Petra and Stryper (power not prog) ... then a somewhat classic... Seventh Avenue.

Stryper's much closer to glam/hair/pop metal than power. I've not heard anything by Petra, so I can't comment. For that matter, haven't heard Seventh Avenue or Majestic Vanguard either...
Seraphim - symphonic.
Oratorio - power.
Mehida - progressive.

Enjoy, that's all you'll ever need.

Tourniquet - Neoclassical/thrash.

Required addition, IMO. You might not like Tourniquet, though, cause they have a heavier sound and almost no power metal influence. If you look them up, make sure to avoid the Marilyn Manson and Evanescense songs.
Hammerfall is good. Not really christian though/

Hammerfall is decent, I really like their older work, but their most recent album just killed it for me. Older work was pretty much solid power metal, but newer stuff is more generic mainstream metal. Definately not christian music, but not anti-christian either, and some of their lyrics imply a religious background.

Just got the new demon hunter album, impressed by what I've heard so far. They're by no means prog/power though, thrash/metalcore.
Listened to the rest of the album now, I thoroughly enjoyed it, although not quite as much as storm the gates of hell or the triptych.
I generally don't like screamed/growled vocals too much, but I can actually understand(for the most part) what he's saying, and their slower/ballad songs are just amazing.

As for the rest of the thread, looks like I'll be taking a decent share of my next paycheck to itunes =P
Tourniquet - Neoclassical/thrash.

Required addition, IMO. You might not like Tourniquet, though, cause they have a heavier sound and almost no power metal influence. If you look them up, make sure to avoid the Marilyn Manson and Evanescense songs.

I've been listening to Tourniquet for years, I'm familiar with Kirkpatrick's works.

But it's been mentioned 11 times so far, pay attention please.
Been looking around for some more music lately, and I stumbled on this Brazilian band

oficina g3

some of their more recent stuff has more progressive sound

unfortunately, most of their music is in Portuguese, but it has a good sound to it

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Veni Domine is an interesting Christian band. They're more of a doom/prog sound, you know, slow, downtuned, etc. but with lots of prog and power elements. They kind of sound like Black Sabbath, but with some parts that remind me of Iron Maiden or Helloween. The vocals are average, but if you like doom metal they're really good. Their stuff is really hard to find though; only their most recent album is on iTunes, and you probably won't find any of their other music at big retailers.
This is a song from their debut album, Fall Babylon Fall, which is sort of a concept album about Revelation.
Veni Domine is an interesting Christian band. They're more of a doom/prog sound, you know, slow, downtuned, etc. but with lots of prog and power elements. They kind of sound like Black Sabbath, but with some parts that remind me of Iron Maiden or Helloween. The vocals are average, but if you like doom metal they're really good. Their stuff is really hard to find though; only their most recent album is on iTunes, and you probably won't find any of their other music at big retailers.

This is an example of how opinions vary. I think the vocals are outstanding, and their vocalist is one of my top 10 favorite vocalists! There are perhaps some Queensryche elements to Veni Domine as well, but that may be due in large part to the vocals. You can find their last five albums at www.cdinzane.com. Only the debut album is not for sale. Four of their albums are also for sale at www.impulsemusic.com.

As far as the Royal Hunt/Silent Force recommendation earlier, they are not Christian bands. DC Cooper (the vocalist of Silent Force who sang on 2 Royal Hunt albums as well) is another favorite vocalist of mine, and I like both bands, but I would not consider them Christian metal.
In my place you can't find any Christian metal CD-s... It's not because the genre is unsupported, it's the fact that these bands are still unknown, even bands from the 80's.