Other Bands for Theocracy Fans?

Oratorio, now there's a great band. I have both their English albums (The Reality Of Existence and Redemption) and love them both. Both almost made my album of the year. Redemption is the heavier of the two and packs a mean punch. I frequently play it at work. Just wish those guys wouldn't leave it so long between releases. 2003 and 2006 were the last 2.

An AWESOME band named Raintime plays prog-melodeath, and it's absolutely astonishing, I call upon everyone to go to youtube and listen to this great band.
They're not Christian, but then again I haven't really paid attention to the lyrics, it's just great.
This is what was mentioned in an interview with Narnia's guitarist:
It is probably the first time that I speak in public like this (yes sometimes it is run well after the regular promotional an interview, is Anmk. Mine) and I say this with mixed feelings, but this probably be the last interview after fourteen years as a guitarist of Narnia. An era comes to an end and it is time for others to extend further the scepter. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our fans and friends at this point, she stood by our side. Thank you for this interview. God protect you.
I have their CD The Great Fall, and I've always wanted to catch up on them and listen to all of their work, but never had the time. Bad news to hear them splitting up, but this gives me time to listen to their other works, hehe, since they won't be making anything new :P
I have their CD The Great Fall, and I've always wanted to catch up on them and listen to all of their work, but never had the time. Bad news to hear them splitting up, but this gives me time to listen to their other works, hehe, since they won't be making anything new :P

true. ...:waah::erk::cry::mad::waah:
I can never get in to Narnia. The music is great, but the vocals (both guys) just don't do much for me. I have 3 of their albums.

I don't know how many of you care about my earlier post on a band called Raintime, but after some research I'd like to point out a video to show their skills and tell you that the vocalist is a declared Christian and that can be seen in some of the lyrics so it might interest some Theocracy fans :)

(Note: all of their songs differ more than you'd imagine, so I recommend browsing through a few more songs)
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They claim to be influenced by Dream Theater :D But the thing is... this is their third album, and the influences don't show on the first two (well not to this extent)
If you like Melodic metal, I think you should check out Norman :

They are a Christian band, from Finland, with a very good sound !
Here is their website : http://www.normanmetal.com/musiikki/ (this is the page where you can listen samples). But it is written in finnish...

But I don't know were to buy their album, maybe it is written on the website (but I didn't find it).
If someone finds where to buy it, please tell me !!
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Hey, I just listened to Oratorio! WOW, they are serious. Love the melodic sound and the soulful vocals. Thanks for that tip. Only one CD thought? Are they still together?
One band that I would highly recommend is Iona...they are not metal, but rather progressive Celtic rock with good devotional Christian lyrics that tend towards traditional themes...lots of atmospheric keyboards, traditional Celtic instruments, a touch of sax here and there, blistering electric guitar solos (thanks to David Bainbridge), some epically long songs, and a vocalist (Joanne Hogg) with one of the prettiest voices that I have ever heard.


I would recommend the albums Journey Into the Morn or Heaven's Bright Sun:Live for a good intro album to this band.

So like....I heard Mehida released a new album sometime later in 2009, but I never heard of it since it was released only in Finland..

This is a song off their first album, since I can't find anything from the new one:
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Oratorio are still together and have been doing a few gigs recently. They had a couple of guys leave the band a while back so a new CD may be way off.
