Other Bands for Theocracy Fans?


Sandalinas=Christian=great metal, 'nuff said.
Here's something a little more... different. 38th Parallel's sound is a mixture of Linkin Park-like nu-metal (wait! don't run away!) and the light, aucoustic Contemporary Christian stuff. Very surprisingly, they do it extremely well, and they have some of the deepest Christian lyrics this side of Theocracy. They released one album in 2003 called Turn The Tides, leaked some demo tapes for their second album, then broke up. They're very not well known; I really only know of them because they're from my home state, and my brother's friend's cousin was the drummer.
Their last.fm profile.
Ugh... I went to youtube to see if I can find anything, and I must say, they are far from metal :D even Linkin Park-esque NU metal :D

I don't mind their style I just don't like it, sry :P
it's whiteboy rap with rock choruses :P
A few of their songs are like that, yeah. But some others can be kind of heavy -- try out "Turn The Tides", "Hear My Cry", "Wither", and "3 Times Denied". (You probably won't find those on YouTube, though.) I wasn't really expecting anyone here to like them, though.
For a fantastic example of symphonic metal, check out Epica. I reccomend the songs "Unleashed" and "Our Destiny" (I only have their latest CD, so I can't say beyond that)

I second this recommendation! I'm a huge Epica fan - have most of the albums and have seen them numerous times. Simone has definitely progressed in her vocals as time has gone on. Consign to Oblivion is my fav album.

You sure Sandalinas is a Christian band? I only know this band from a song a friend put on a mix CD for me (Living on the Edge = AWESOME song). I just did a little research and I can't find any references to them being a Christian band. Even Nightmare Records, the North American distributor of their first album, doesn't list them under Christian.

I think I just found out why I like Living on the Edge so much. Apollo Papathanasio is on vocals (Firewind) for their first album. Nice! :cool:
I'm pretty sure they're Christian, the lyrics hint it.
I found about Sandalinas through Firewind (that is, through Apollo Papathanasio).
On top of that, even though I have no sources, I can say that Apollo is a Christian.
"Along The Everglades" is a great song, and it's on youtube along with Die Hard, I haven't found anything other than those two and an acoustic recording of Living On The Edge.

And I've listened to "3 Times Denied", if you try hard enough you're bound to find their songs on youtube :P
It's still rap with distorted guitars, I don't like it, meh :P sry
Here's another band with christian members. They are not a "christian band" though - depending of what one calls a "christian band".

That's what the guy of the label (Ulterium Records by the way) says about them:
Not all Ulterium bands are christian bands in the way that Audiovision and Theocracy are, but all bands do have christian members and good lyrics. I would never promote anything into the christian scene that I didn't think would fit. The same goes for Innerwish; they are great guys, do great music, and are serious about their lyrics and message.

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Yeah! Innerwish is AWESOME! Also guys, check out SINBREED! They are AWESOME! PLUS... Herbie, Seventh Avenue's vocalist, is the vocalist for them!
I second this recommendation! I'm a huge Epica fan - have most of the albums and have seen them numerous times. Simone has definitely progressed in her vocals as time has gone on. Consign to Oblivion is my fav album.

Hmm...might have to pick that one up next! (I allow myself one new album per paycheck so my....habit....doesn't get out of control. :Smokin: :p )
Not really supportive of Religion are we FABT?
I like some of the songs, I don't appreciate the message, great artist though
I'll listen to just about any lyrics, as long as I don't violently disagree with them. That pretty much only goes for atheistic, satanic, anti-Christian, or nihlistic stuff, though. I'll even listen to artists from other religions, as long as they aren't insulting Jesus.
The closest thing I've come to disagreeing with lyrics is Epica and their liberal regime.
But they're good enough that I don't mind. Though I still wince at Deconstruct and the last line in Resign to Surrender.

And Pain's not too blatantly anti-religious most of the time....lots and lots of language though. But hey, whatever.
I can't say that I agree with M'sC, since I like Decapitated, although they propose a nihilistic view on life I like it, and I take comfort knowing that they're Polish so they're probably Catholic, meaning they don't deny God even though they think the world's all dark.

And FABT Pain is kind of against all religion, there's a line that goes "I am my own god I do as I please" in Shut Your Mouth, and the explicit content doesn't bother me, plus I think it's a good song, I just mind his offensive views :(