Over-rated Bands

Hey Dodens did you read my response? If not here it is again:

"Ah... I was not aware there was a band of that name. Are you perhaps a fan of Robert E. Howard's work"?
That kind of discrepancy has sometimes been cited as an explanation for Venom's sound. Yeah, they were probably trying to do something a bit different anyway, but the lob-sided production of their early records inadvertently added to the effect, so it is said. I think that applies to early Sodom too, as their early recordings just sound like several very unskilled musicians trying to play as fast as possible. I mean, they're barely in time with each other on a lot of ITSOE, so the end result most likely wasn't entirely premeditated.
I see what you mean, but with Witching Metal it's a case where you really have to struggle to hear what's going on amidst the chaos - early Venom and other early Sodom are crystal clear by comparison.

Hatebreeder said:
As a whole, it's a vague concept and Scream Bloody Gore is really the first REAL death metal album, as being the first album that was obviously not thrash.
I don't so much go for SBG as the defining point, to me it has about the same death/thrash combination as earlier Sodom, Poison, Sepultura, Possessed, Hellhammer, etc. Altars Of Madness, for example, is much more distinct from thrash than Scream Bloody Gore or most anything previous.
arch enemy
scar symmetry

and i may be the biggest norther fan you could find, but their earlier stuff, especially CDs like mirror of madness and death unlimited, i dont see why everyone gets all excited and wet whenever they talk about those. i found all of the songs to be EXTREMELY repetitive -cough- Unleash Hell -cough perfect example. they played the exact same riff the entire 5 or so minutes through that song...
I agree that Arch Enemy is very overrated. I've never really bothered to listen to their earlier albums, I guess I like Angela better (vocal-wise) but the band, at this point aren't really much but wasted potential. The Amott brothers are clearly more capable of writing better material, and Angela's vocals are nice, but her cheesy lyrics are just awful and cliche. I don't exactly like the direction they've been taking in the past few years though I think Doomsday is better than Anthems.
blah matgvox just reminded me, I have a question and this seems to be a good thread to use it in. I used to love Children Of Bodom to death but they've gotten old and are pretty much unlistenable to me now (I think they're overrated some what). This leads me to ask are any of the Children Of Bodom influenced bands (Norther, Kalmah, Skyfire, Wintersun, Ensiferum, and Norther) any good to listen to.
CoB doesn't seem an influence for some of those, but yes, I enjoy Kalmah, and Ensiferum, I'm trying to get a hold of some wintersun too.
CoB are hardly old, their debut only came out late 90's. I am not sure about all the bands you mentioned being influenced by Bodom but I like listening to Kalmah. Kalmah use a different vocal style to Bodom though and are quite different in sound due to their more symphonic death metal nature, they do not have so much of the power metal feel that Bodom have. Ensiferum on the other hand are pretty far from death metal... still if you like that whole viking/folk stuff they are not bad, one of the better bands.

A personal recommendation if you like the Melodeath sound but are sick of Bodom is to try out Diablo. Their influences are rooted more in Slayer and Death then bands like Bodom so have a bit of a heavier feel. They have actually been active longer then Bodom as well, just have not been releasing albums for as long.
blah matgvox just reminded me, I have a question and this seems to be a good thread to use it in. I used to love Children Of Bodom to death but they've gotten old and are pretty much unlistenable to me now (I think they're overrated some what). This leads me to ask are any of the Children Of Bodom influenced bands (Norther, Kalmah, Skyfire, Wintersun, Ensiferum, and Norther) any good to listen to.

Bodom influenced? i dunno if the even are. if your going to suggest bodom influenced bands, think alot newer of bands.

btw Ensiferum and Norther are fronted by the same guitarist, and they've been at it long, so no i dont think they are influenced by bodom and i dont hear it either.
I briefly listened to Job for a Cowboy, but didn't like it. I'm not fond of any genre/style ending with -core, so its just not my thing.

To a lesser extent I dislike grindcore because its completely different, but still I don't find any value or depth in an album consisting of 30 1-min songs. But basically anything metalcore/emocore/hardcore/screamocore/apple core/whatevercore I don't like.

And I hate 99% of the ridiculous band names they have.
If BtM could pull off the album stuff at any given moment it'd be okay, but....I smell the stentch of studio magic. Job for a Cowboy is horrible however.
If BtM could pull off the album stuff at any given moment it'd be okay, but....I smell the stentch of studio magic. Job for a Cowboy is horrible however.
oh definitely "studio magic" without a doubt...triggered and virgin tight. No way they could pull that off live. Too fuckin chaotic for me, BTM is just annoying and overproduced.