Over-rated Bands

oh definitely "studio magic" without a doubt...triggered and virgin tight. No way they could pull that off live. Too fuckin chaotic for me, BTM is just annoying and overproduced.

It's too bad it's stuck in me playlist because I got a new computer. lol I didn't notice the triggers, I am sure thery are there however I did notice the extremely wet sound on the guitars and the timing.

i hate-core bands, ditto, rather it's some kid bitching about life gone wrong to the mindless neanderthal grunting it all sucks.
i hate-core bands. but to be quite honest i didn't mind Job For a Cowboy. but i only heard one song, and there definitely is better stuff.

I am not a big fan of Job For a Cowboy, I dont get what all the hype is about really, they are just another semi-original American crossover act and their musicianship is nothing spectacular.

Though I dont like "Core" bands either, I dont mind Grindcore and Hardcore has been much more influential to metal then a lot of people realise (Slayer drew their main influences from it, and Slayer have gone on to inspire basically all American Death Metal and many other bands)
If you're talking about metalcore...the only ones I can stand are All That Remains,Bleeding Through and Killswitch. Getting tired of most of it tho', the genre is way oversaturated at this point.

no, I mean grind and straight-up old school hardcore punk.
most of the metal scenes is overrated in my opinion... so i won't botter listing everything...
You know who is overrated and no one has mentioned yet?


*prepares for an onslaught of flames*

But really, though they were the first metal band, and were therefore very influential, they were far from the best band ever (as the are so often hailed) neither compositionally or technically.

Agreed. They're actually a horribly boring band in all regards.
You know who is overrated and no one has mentioned yet?


*prepares for an onslaught of flames*

But really, though they were the first metal band, and were therefore very influential, they were far from the best band ever (as the are so often hailed) neither compositionally or technically.

Amen Black Sabbath is the worst of the classical metal bands.
why the hate for mastodon??...
I dont think any metal band is overrated!!!
Even though some one is probably going to hit me with the "classics" talk, I have to say that Black Sabbath is overrated. Pantera is also quite overrated, but they still kick/kicked ass! :kickass:
no, I mean grind and straight-up old school hardcore punk.

I think there's a vast change in what has come to be considered "hardcore" over the years. I just put "hardcore"(utter shit for the most part) and "hardcore punk"(pretty awesome) as separate genres at this point.