Over-rated Bands

Nevermore is a great band. they may lack a bit in the vocal department, but it still makes them original as fuck.

Bodom= gay. I am happy you guys agree

Death can't be overrated. If anything, it is still underrated.
I always thought Metallica was overrated; even their older stuff is pretty dry and stale, and I HATE Hetfield's voice.

I hate Hetfield's new voice. The other day I was listening to Master of Puppets off of their newest live album; guitars=good, drums=good, bass=good, but then sticking out like a sore thumb was Hetfield's (probably drug induced) voice.
I like Nevermore, and they've put out enough exellent albums that I'm not sure they deserve that one, as for Dane's voice......you listen to Decapitated...lol!!

So what if I listen to Decapitated?

The only Nevermore album I actually like is Dead Heart in a Dead World. There is some good stuff on that album.
I hate Hetfield's new voice. The other day I was listening to Master of Puppets off of their newest live album; guitars=good, drums=good, bass=good, but then sticking out like a sore thumb was Hetfield's (probably drug induced) voice.

My younger brother who isn't a fan of metal was listening to that St. Anger song a couple days ago...at times their singer reminded me of the guy from Nickelback. :erk:
Acid Bath. I cannot understand all the hype this band gets. sounds like badly played nu-grunge with some heavier parts thrown in.
Acid Bath blend sludge with grind and grunge vocals. Their is a distinctive darkness to their music and it has a nice feel. The fact they are unique and had such a short lifespan as a band is why they generally get a lot of hype.
So what if I listen to Decapitated?

The only Nevermore album I actually like is Dead Heart in a Dead World. There is some good stuff on that album.

Well in all fairness you like Decapitated and that guys voice is absurd, so it's a bit hard to take you seriously about Dane's voice. lol

Eh Dead Heart and the new one are the best, but style wise they're all on the same page.
Well in all fairness you like Decapitated and that guys voice is absurd, so it's a bit hard to take you seriously about Dane's voice. lol

Eh Dead Heart and the new one are the best, but style wise they're all on the same page.

The only Decapitated album that I have on my hard drive is their first one. I am not familiar with any of their other material to really start an argument, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
The only Decapitated album that I have on my hard drive is their first one. I am not familiar with any of their other material to really start an argument, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

I wasn't looking for an internet fist fight, but you're more reasonable than others it seems. The voice on the last release the are typical gorrilla grunts of DM, inaudioable 90% of the time.