Over-rated Bands

Decapitated is such a good band.One of my favourite DM bands right now. Very creative and they have a good grip on Melodic ,Harmonic Concepts.Very creative and all around a good band.

Also it astill pisses me off , you guys who flame Death. You are all arrogant fucks, and dont respect anyone for what they have done, or continue to do. give Chuck Repsect assholes.R.I.P brother
Who are some bands that you think are extremely over rated?
-to start off ill post some

Cradle of filth-because they totally suck and sold out

Dream Theatre-Sure they're good musicians, but symphony x's music is muuuch better

Mastodon-over all quite un-impressive

Power Metal in general

Mastodon is good, but they aren't going to be the saviors of metal like people say they will be. While Blood Mountain was a good record, Leviathan kept me entertained way more.

Wouldn't call myself a big Mastodon fan, but I like some of their catalog.
Well in all fairness you like Decapitated and that guys voice is absurd, so it's a bit hard to take you seriously about Dane's voice. lol

Eh Dead Heart and the new one are the best, but style wise they're all on the same page.

I personally find it easier to appreciate a decent growl than a ('decent'?) crooning whine.

(Yes, I Listen to lots and lots of Bal-Sagoth, and I am criticizing vocals)
I always thought Metallica was overrated; even their older stuff is pretty dry and stale, and I HATE Hetfield's voice.

Metallica was pretty damn good... definitely not technical wizards like some of the bands I listen to, but Kirk and James (and Mustaine) came up with some pretty good riffs and solos. I'm also pretty sure that just about noone who listened to them back in the day respects them anymore. (Myself included)
Even though some one is probably going to hit me with the "classics" talk, I have to say that Black Sabbath is overrated. Pantera is also quite overrated, but they still kick/kicked ass! :kickass:

Ok, ok. So pretty much any band that's sold millions and millions of albums can easily be called overrated. For the Black Sabbath let's just say that if they never formed and made music a lot of the bands we listen to today wouldn't be here. They have (had) their own sound that noone else in their time even sounded close to. It would be the equivalent of Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart not being there for Classical music.

Pantera I see as a good band, (Power Metal and Cowboys from Hell esp ) it just irritates me that a lot of people just listen to them, and no other metal. ( Like the Metallica\Megadeth heads in High School)
I dont see many people that rate 3 inches all that highly so I wouldn't call them over-rated. Bad... well their back catalog is a bit meh but I have heard some of their upcoming material and it sounds alright.
Wow this thread is just a big headache to read lol. Alot of the bands listed here are definetly not overrated. But a few of you are just elitists that hate bands that get some sort of populartiy to make their lives easier.

Some bands work their fucking asses off for years and years then they finally start to make a living from music (Not become rich, but ENOUGH to live a decent life like a good job would do to you) then their suddenly overrated. Haha ok. It's so annoying watching metal heads argue with each other over some stupid opinion. I love metal but seriosly I don't see people that like other genre's bash each other like us metal heads do.

Ah well I still find it hard how people can think stuff like CoB, Opeth for example are overrated. To me those 2 are some of the most original bands I've ever heard. How many bands before CoB mixed neoclassical, powermetal, harsh vocals, black metal themes into one sound? What about growling, clean vocals, blues, jazz, death metal themes like Opeth? None that i've heard of (if their are any similar bands before their time please tell me)
What about growling, clean vocals, blues, jazz, death metal themes like Opeth?

1, because Opeth is the only band to do this that I've heard and still be boring as all fuck.

B "Nile is just rubbish noise" ....How about no?
Thing with stuff like this, you'll never ever get everyone to agree. Tastes differ, and what's pure brilliance to one is boring crap to another.