Over-rated Bands

Haha someone recommended me them last night I checked out their My Space and oh man do I really love the songs I heard off of Epitaph, definitly one of the best death metal bands for sure, amazingly unique to. I wonder what all the fuss is about Necrophagist on UM?
Agreed, but Herman Li isn't really great at all...he plays everything in really small parts at a time and easily messes up, so speed doesn't really make him good at all, compared to most other metal guitarists...

he's a very mediocre guitarist. The amount of mistakes he makes in live performances is unbelievable
I never understood the hype about this band. Their music is among the most boring I have ever heard, genre aside.

same here. I never knew what the hoopla about this band was. I bought Aenima back in '98, liked it for a bit then it got old. I've moved on since.
I just listened to the Necrophagist song you mentioned and I love it!!! Great stuff, still makes me wonder why not many people like Necrophagist on here *shrugs*.

Because they are a band that relies almost entirely on style over substance.
The first band that came to mind was Khlyst (or however you spell it). Not that they're "rated" but to see money spent by a well-known & respected label to record and promote garbage like that is maddening. It's literally 40 or so minutes of guitar noise, random drum hits and screaming.

Purely unlistenable. And I enjoy Merzbow and Diamanda Galas.
I have to agree. Death is a horribly overrated band. They're actually one of the worst death metal bands I have listened to in my life. Chuck is a horrible vocalist and the guitars sound really weak like Megadeth.

Listen to Leprosy, the production on that album is quite fucking good. Death was my gateway band for death metal so I have a soft spot for them. However, Chuck's leads and solos became quite redundant over the years, especially as the band attempted to become more techy and less deathy.

Human is an amazing record by any DM standards so they certainly deserve at least most of the praise/notoriety that is bestowed upon them.