Over-rated Bands

Yeah, it definitely doesn't matter at all if it's been done before. Everything these days has been done before, from movies to music to clothing.

I won't deal in absolutes, but I will say that it's not as general as you think. They get praise for things that other bands, mind you not sound wise, but technique wise already do. The sound is not what I think makes them overrated, it's the praise they get for the above mentioned.

"Chuck's leads and solos became quite redundant "

As something changes how can it be redundent? lol
Listen to Leprosy, the production on that album is quite fucking good. Death was my gateway band for death metal so I have a soft spot for them. However, Chuck's leads and solos became quite redundant over the years, especially as the band attempted to become more techy and less deathy.

Human is an amazing record by any DM standards so they certainly deserve at least most of the praise/notoriety that is bestowed upon them.

the first 5 death albums are fucking brilliant, I dunno why people dislike "individual thought patterns". That album is still great old school tech death.
the first 5 death albums are fucking brilliant, I dunno why people dislike "individual thought patterns". That album is still great old school tech death.

I honestly like #6 Symbolic the best. ITP...could be a number of things, songs are a tad same-same to me. However Andy's style does fit better than expected. We still listen to it everyday though. :)
I won't deal in absolutes, but I will say that it's not as general as you think. They get praise for things that other bands, mind you not sound wise, but technique wise already do. The sound is not what I think makes them overrated, it's the praise they get for the above mentioned.

"Chuck's leads and solos became quite redundant "

As something changes how can it be redundent? lol

I listen to music that sounds good not for how fast or technical the band is. I don't praise Necrophagist for their technicality but for their sound. I'm assuming that most people generally agree with that philosophy. Really what is the point in listening to music that isn't enjoyable but you listen to it for how fast or technical it is? If you can give me proof that people only like Necrophagist because of their technicality then I'll agree with you.
I listen to music that sounds good not for how fast or technical the band is. I don't praise Necrophagist for their technicality but for their sound. I'm assuming that most people generally agree with that philosophy. Really what is the point in listening to music that isn't enjoyable but you listen to it for how fast or technical it is? If you can give me proof that people only like Necrophagist because of their technicality then I'll agree with you.

So there has never been any praiser for their tech abilities at all?
Spiritual Healing is still very much old school death metal while expanding the genre itself for the time. It's not wanky or technical and still demenstrates musicianship and new ideas. Besides that chuck and james murphy trade back between solos which is just awsome. SH still sounds morbid and has genuine characterics of what real death me is and is suppose to sound like.
Spiritual Healing was what hooked me on Death. :)

"I'm not saying that there haven't been praisers for their techniques but those praisers would even bother listening to them if they didn't sound good."

If it didn't sound good to them, sure, but the tech garbage is the selling point they'll use, I've not had one person say "Well Vacant_Planets, it sounds great!" No it goes more like this, "VP they're so techy, OMG IM tapping!".

SH has very early sweeping, and is a bit techy for it's time frame.
Spiritual Healing was what hooked me on Death. :)

"I'm not saying that there haven't been praisers for their techniques but those praisers would even bother listening to them if they didn't sound good."

If it didn't sound good to them, sure, but the tech garbage is the selling point they'll use, I've not had one person say "Well Vacant_Planets, it sounds great!" No it goes more like this, "VP they're so techy, OMG IM tapping!".

SH has very early sweeping, and is a bit techy for it's time frame.

Ehh, whatever, I done thinking of come backs anyway. Necrophagist is good and my eyes and so what if there's haters...meh.