Over-rated Bands

this has to be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read on here. If metallica sounds like speedy hair metal, then pretty much the entire bay area thrash scene = speedy hair metal.

LOL I will lend some of it to the first album's poor recording, but not all of it. And no most of the other Bay area bands exhibit completey different and more aggressive guitar styles. And that's just for a scratch at the surface. The all or nothing fallacy does not work here.
LOL I will lend some of it to the first album's poor recording, but not all of it. And no most of the other Bay area bands exhibit completey different and more aggressive guitar styles. And that's just for a scratch at the surface. The all or nothing fallacy does not work here.

metallica's first 3 or 4 albums sound nothing like hair metal and are much too aggressive and heavy to even be in the discussion for it. You are telling me songs like "creeping death" or "one" sound anything like hair metal?

metallica's first 3 albums is thrash at its absolute finest. Great songwriting, very well played, very aggressive, melodic and still heavy with a good amount of variety in the songs.
No sir, I am saying only the first album sounds like that. I am not calling it hair metal, but it sounds less like thrash than some of the other bay area bands, only my opinion. :) I'll agree with all but the song writing comment, that's an opinoin
That speed metal element could always be punk as well. Not that I am saying that for certain, just a guess. I did have a Lars interview and he mentions very odd bands, not the NWOBHM types...shit that has been lost in the black hole type stuff. But the production on the early vocals and some of the lyrics always brings to mind the hair metal sound. And Justice for All... is the only one that completely has the thrash sound rather than 50% or 40% thrash with a lot of NWOBHM influence.
Who are some bands that you think are extremely over rated?
-to start off ill post some

Cradle of filth-because they totally suck and sold out

Dream Theatre-Sure they're good musicians, but symphony x's music is muuuch better

Mastodon-over all quite un-impressive

Power Metal in general

That's actually quite a good opening post. I agree completely... except for the part where you misspelled Dream Theater (who aren't overrated at all, incidentally).
Dream Theater is one of the most overrated bands in all of metal.

And PoS isn't? DT are 1000x better.

haha thanx man.I dunnom dream Theater are quite bad for what there suppossed to be. the vocalist lakcs, and the guitar riffs are genereic.listen to symphony x.

I'd agree that SymX are better than DT, but I like them both a lot.

Dream Theatre-Sure they're good musicians, but symphony x's music is muuuch better

Mastodon-over all quite un-impressive

Power Metal in general

I disagree with all these.
most bands in the power metal genre are overrated, a lot of people hear growls and scream angry music ahhhhh as most said when they heard vehemence, but i had it playing in my car when i was giving my friend a ride, and he said he liked "by your bedside" im guessing because it was more melodic and technical than what death metal is portrayed to be by bands such as cannibal corpse and mortician
And PoS isn't? DT are 1000x better.

No, they're really not. PoS have only begun to gain the needed attention from the general metal scene to warrant the "overrated" tag, and frankly much of the attention is negative (though Scarsick is a bad example of a PoS album and shouldn't have been the album to get them this attention.)

PoS knows the value of technicality as much as DT, but they also know the value of something DT has NEVER known - and this I will swear to this being why DT is so awful - and that is subtlety. PoS's well-woven songs will always beat the OMG OMG SOLO HERE NOW! approach that DT takes.
No, they're really not. PoS have only begun to gain the needed attention from the general metal scene to warrant the "overrated" tag, and frankly much of the attention is negative (though Scarsick is a bad example of a PoS album and shouldn't have been the album to get them this attention.)

PoS knows the value of technicality as much as DT, but they also know the value of something DT has NEVER known - and this I will swear to this being why DT is so awful - and that is subtlety. PoS's well-woven songs will always beat the OMG OMG SOLO HERE NOW! approach that DT takes.

I happen to like that approach (DT's, that is- PoS are pretty annoying in my opinion). The song writing may be flimsy,
but the insturmental craziness is actually an ATTRACTIVE factor to some people. They absolutely deserve the recognition.

Symphony X are an alright band; their forthcoming album is a fairly solid one. I just don't think that they're really worthy of some of the attention that they get. Plus, shredding just annoys me most of the time.

As for Dragonforce, they're funny and they don't take themselves seriously at all. Metal fans seriously need to get the stick out of their collective ass, chuckle, shrug, and move on... or listen to a few of their tunes and chuckle some more.
It is kind of sad that people would listen to music to be amazed by technicality instead of awed by actual musical depth.
Technicality has its place, and bands like Dream Theater, Cryptopsy, and Nile can be enjoyable to listen to just to bask in the insturmental skill. It's not as if DT fans totally forsake all other forms of music- sometimes, people are just in the mood to be awed by a virtuostic performance, and Petrucci, Portnoy, and company deliver.

Also, "musical depth" is a fairly broad, subjective term. For example, I find zero "depth" in Pain of Salvation's work, but you obviously disagree with me.
Sure technicality has its place, but only when tastefully pulled off. Even some "showy" bands know how to do it in a tasteful manner - point in case, Spastic Ink.

Have you only heard Scarsick or something? I don't mean to sound fanboyish, but for one to not find any depth in their music is a tad ... of an odd thing for me to hear.
technical proficiency means absolutely nothing whatsoever without the great songwriting

with great songwriting, it becomes icing on the cake but listening to a bunch of guys trying to play as many notes as possible is so incredibly boring.
No, I've listened to Remedy Lane and BE in their entirety, and heard tracks off of Scarsick, PE, and One Hour. However, I admit that most of my exposure to their work was a couple years ago, so maybe I'll give it another spin one of these days and see if my opinion has changed at all.

Hell: Some quite solid songwriting was present on much of their earlier work, and to be honest, I don't mind the occasional digression for a bit of spastic soloing. I may be in the minority, but I truly enjoy it.