Over-rated Bands

I dunno man, crazy soloing with no songwriting or emotion is fucking worthless to me

for example, yngwie malmsteen is boring as shit to me. However, listening to joe satriani is practically orgasmic (no homo :p ), they both shred like crazy but Joe is a wonderful composer, while malmsteen is certainly not.
I wouldn't say Dream Theater are "emotionless." Also, they're nowhere NEAR Malmsteem in terms of random, unfocused songwriting. They don't spiral off into random note-fests as often as all that :P
I wouldn't say Dream Theater are "emotionless." Also, they're nowhere NEAR Malmsteem in terms of random, unfocused songwriting. They don't spiral off into random note-fests as often as all that :P

no I wasn't making that comparison. Dream theater is alright in terms of songwriting (although boring to me anyways), but in general, technicality without songwriting is really very empty and unlistenable.
beat the OMG OMG SOLO HERE NOW! approach that DT takes.
That approach is (ok 'was') nonexistant. Also saying that D.T. "never known subtlety" is just dumb as proven by countless examples from the D.T. material and of course a band like D.T. that was as groundbreaking as FEW other metal bands, can never be considered "overrated". I'll say this again - the impact and the importance of "Images And Words" are uncomparable.
That approach is (ok 'was') nonexistant. Also saying that D.T. "never known subtlety" is just dumb as proven by countless examples from the D.T. material and of course a band like D.T. that was as groundbreaking as FEW other metal bands, can never be considered "overrated". I'll say this again - the impact and the importance of "Images And Words" are uncomparable.

:lol: Being groundbreaking and having an impact on the metal scene is fine and all that, but their impact isn't what I'm saying is overrated. Their music is fucking awful, the music is what I'm saying is overrated.
^From here on out just assume that whenever you post something like that, I reply with a post expressing disagreement.
Haha okay :p

But see - something I don't like about the way people view "important" music is that it is in some way sacred, that it can't be looked down upon, which is bullshit. If I don't like the music as much as most people - it is overrated to me, why people don't accept that is beyond me.

Sure I'm a bit matter a fact with my opinions, but ... that just bugs me a tad.
Ay, I second that. There's just nothing in their music, sure it may be technically impressive (I wouldn't know, i'm not a musician) but theres no emotion in their music, it's not catchy, doesn't make you headbang, it's just bland.
Says the guy with a huge TSOP banner in his sig.

I have a feeling good metal CAN'T be too technical. Most bands don't think out their music fully, which is something you need to do if you're going to play technical.
Well I disagree with that but then again alot of people would disagree with me saying it about Dream Theater. I suppose both bands (or specifically, albums) can be looked at in similar ways, but for me, Dream Theater are boring, Death are not.
for me, Dream Theater are boring, Death are not.

i agree mind you i have only been into metal for like 3 years REAL metal for about 1-2 i listened to dream theater regularily a year ago but not very much of them... i am starting to listen to death more and i love the track "the flesh and the power it holds" and it is one play from my top played. Maybe i havent listened to enough dream theater, but show me some of the tracks you think are the best and i will check them out :)
overrated bands

dimmu borgir, cradle of filth, metallica(not master of puppets), megadeth, six feet under, motley crue, twisted sister, dying fetus, cryptopsy. those are the bands that come to mind when i think overrated.

ohh, and in response to the conversation above, Death should not come anywhere NEAR this discussion. scream bloody gore WOOOOOOO!!!!.