Pathfinder Promotions presents...

I did some online research earlier and located the 7's not allll that far away from I-285. Dunno if I can make it yet, but at least I know where it is......

yeah Paul - it's about ten miles out past Six Flags, and then one mile off the interstate. It's easy to get to and easy to locate. Hope you can make it. And I verified myself that E.b.S. has some XXL shirts, but supplies are very limited. ;) kinda like the Evergrey shirts last year. :guh:
we have one XXL left. Our guitarist is pretty big, and so is our promoter. :lol:

Hope the show turned out well! I finally left my mom's house at about 9pm, intending to loop around to Douglasville, and.....WTF?! Snow and sleet? And a fair amount falling, too!
So I headed toward home instead, also scrapping any plans to go pound on drums at the L5P drum-circle (in the rain? no thanks), and this was probably the right decision since I started getting a splitting headache. :erk:

I was even prepared, too. Earplugs, concert boots, camera and 'evil concert clothes' already in the car. :waah:
Hope the show turned out well! I finally left my mom's house at about 9pm, intending to loop around to Douglasville, and.....WTF?! Snow and sleet? And a fair amount falling, too! So I headed toward home instead ...

I appreciate the thoughts Paul, and I am glad you made it home safe and sound. I hope the others who made it out - fans, bands, everyone - arrived home safely also.

And I want to thank all of you who made it out to the show last night! :rock: I hope you all enjoyed yourself and will be back in April for my next show - with friends! And again in June... and August... :heh: I was talking to a couple of the bands after last night's show, and if all goes well between now and then, we have a special treat in store for you in August - so prepare yourselves! :cool:

James, my friend, it was great to see you again last night (although I missed Kathy... give her my best and tell her what she missed :p). Esa, thanks again for coming out and bringing the night to life with your [forthcoming] pictures. I apologize for the lighting, but you fixed that yourself ;). Thanks!

Cheiron, it was great to finally meet you last night. I hope we can hook up to work some future shows together. Thanks also to Chris [Heavenly Call] for making it out to the show. Sorry I didn't get to chat with you much. Things were a bit crazy by the time you arrived last night.

Magius, thanks for bringing your friends and family, and especially the incomparable, unstoppable MeMa! To see her walk through that door must have been highlight of my night. :) Well, that, and seeing so many more people enjoying the music!

I want to thank the guys from Oblivion Myth for making the drive down from Nashville to deliver their brand of modern power metal to The 7 Venue. You really had those kids begging for more! :kickass: ...and Patrick - you are a DEMON on the drum kit! whoa!

I want to thank Theocracy and Halcyon Way for coming out and playing. You guys were each phenomenal and I will be bringing you back to play longer set times - I promise! :notworthy I believe both bands gained a few new fans last night.

And of course I was beaming after the powerful set delivered by my son's own band, Eclipsed by Sanity. I hope the ProgPower crowd who could make it out will back me up on this - they kicked total ASS! Last night had to be about their best show yet - performance-wise. The sound was sketchy in places (but it was almost the whole evening). But they left everyone wide-eyed with jaws in their laps. And I couldn't be more proud of them.

Thanks again, and hopefully we'll see even more ProgPower folks at the next show! :grin:

You rule Hoyt, thanks for setting it up. We'll have to figure out how to keep it moving quicker throughout the bill next time, but no big deal. This was our first stab at it at this venue, so it's all good....
It was a good show. I enjoyed each of the bands. I don't know much about live setups, but most of the amps/speakers used last night could have probably filled that room with enough sound to not be 'mic'ed.' Maybe the reason is that its easier to get the mix right.. when doing it through mic'ed amps and then speakered.

Anyhow, the main issue with the sound was that the guitars, drums, and bass were turned up so high that while the vocals were turned up high it was drowned out.

Just reminds me of ProgPower. The bands who truly sound good in my opinion do not sound loud at all. They just fill the place with sound, and you can hear everything how its meant to be heard.

Anyhow, great job by all the bands. It makes me jealous to see a 14 year old who has only been playing for 2 years to be that good though. Maybe in another year of playing I'll be able to pull some of that off ;p (which would mark my 2 years of 'serious' playing).

It was cool to see Theocracy again, and I'm glad I finally got to see Eclipsed by Sanity and Halcyon Way. The Halcyon Way guys have tons of fun on stage . EbS sounded great. To me they were a mix between .... I don't know Megadeth and old-school Virgin Steele. Hell Patrick had the ZOOWWWW down! Oblivion Myth put on a pretty good show too. They'll get better over time I think as they become more comfortable with their music. I know the lead singer was having some allergy issues too. But I liked what I heard.

Either way, all the bands brought the shred!
That was an absolutely amazing show to be a part of. I definately have to say this is the show that I put 110% into if I ever have. I hope some of the few progpower people that did make it out have a better impression of 'a bunch of kids' playing metal.

Being able to play with Theocracy was like a little dream come true in my mind. Loved sharing the stage with Halcyon Way, Oblivion Myth, and Vitriol as well.
Oblivion Myth put on a pretty good show too. They'll get better over time I think as they become more comfortable with their music. I know the lead singer was having some allergy issues too. But I liked what I heard.

Thanks for the kind words and coming out! Our singer Keith Smith does have serious sinus issues lol. He pretty much is having to belt it out hard to get it out by the end of the set, but he's improving, and his allergies get better in the summer. He just started singing about 3-4 months ago (because we can't find vocalists around here and he stepped up to do it), so like you say, he'll get more comfortable. To be honest, that was only our third show (and our first one since May of last year), and the first show at a decent venue with GREAT bands backing us up! We had a blast and thought we did pretty well, minus my minor stick dropping incident during "Gathering of Souls" haha. :rock:
You rule Hoyt, thanks for setting it up. We'll have to figure out how to keep it moving quicker throughout the bill next time, but no big deal. This was our first stab at it at this venue, so it's all good....

Man, I can't tell you how much fun I had during your set lol. :lol: Very good music along with musicians who know how to have a good time on stage!
I want to thank the guys from Oblivion Myth for making the drive down from Nashville to deliver their brand of modern power metal to The 7 Venue. You really had those kids begging for more! :kickass: ...and Patrick - you are a DEMON on the drum kit! whoa!

And thanks for inviting us Hoyt (and the complements on my drumming)! We are all really grateful to you for the whole event, and we had a great weekend! :notworthy hehe
Yes, helluva great show! Really enjoyed all the bands. The standouts for me were Theocracy and Eclipsed by Sanity. I didn't really know what to expect from EbS but they smoked! Really solid stuff and Patrick put on a great show. I had a ton of fun during Halcyon Way as well.

See ya next time!
Patrick must be studying at the Andy B. Franck academy. Cool stuff coming off the stage and leading the pogo stick section.
Halcyon Way is much different from when I saw them open for Helloween a few years ago. I liked them then, but they're better now.