Pathfinder Promotions presents...

well crap - nevermind about the sixth band. The Venue called today and yanked the rug out from under me. After telling me this past Saturday that I would have two stages and that I was welcome to bring one more band on, and after I confirmed the band with hardly any notice at all, they call me today to tell me I only have the one stage again. :bah:

So I had to call the band that I confirmed just yesterday and tell them 'nevermind'. :erk: I felt like crawling under a damn rock! But kudos to them for being understanding. I am definitely going to bring Novum Organum to the ProgPower crowd soon though - you can count on that!

So once again we're back to the original five band lineup. It's still going to be one amazing night of dynamic metal! :kickass: Get there early because you do NOT want to miss the 14 year old guitar wizard in Vitriol. I guarantee your jaw will drop!

Well you handled it as best you could Hoyt! :) You were put in a tough spot, one that you had no control over, and you called everyone (or attempted to) involved to let them know. We're all disappointed of course, but it's still going to be a fucking awesome show, and me and the rest of the Oblivion Myth crew are looking forward to it. :rock:
Well you handled it as best you could Hoyt! :) You were put in a tough spot, one that you had no control over, and you called everyone (or attempted to) involved to let them know. We're all disappointed of course, but it's still going to be a fucking awesome show, and me and the rest of the Oblivion Myth crew are looking forward to it. :rock:

Thanks Patrick for the vote of confidence. I appreciate it. :cool:

Yeah, I'm still stoked about this show. I went to the all-day fest at The 7 Venue yesterday for Eclipsed by Sanity to open the show. And as usual, they blew the roof off the place. Man, I can't wait for the ProgPower friends and family to see my son on stage with his band. A buddy of mine met me there yesterday and saw them for the first time, and he was very impressed!

yeah that was a good show for us, but we were pretty dissapointed that we were chosen to open the festival. We were originally going to be playing at night before they turned it into a festival. Hardly anyone was in the room watching us, they were all waiting for War of Ages in the other room. War of Ages is some growing christian metal band or some such. Anyways we had fun even if the small crowd just stood there with their arms folded. We're extremely excited about the 17th show despite the screwover by the venue...gee...they seem to be really good at that these days. :erk:
Rather than start a new thread, I just thought I'd mention that if you CAN'T make it out to the INCREDIBLE show on the 17th that Hoyt has lined up, Theocracy will be playing on the EAST side of Atlanta the weekend before at Club 29 with my band Brazen Angel. This obviously not to the same scale as Hoyt's bad ass show, but it's another opportunity for those in the area!

Hope to see you at one or the other!

ok folks - this is it... the week we've all been waiting for... we're ten days from the show at The 7 Venue with the bands listed at the start of this thread. Doors open at 6PM, and I'm trying to get the show started by 6:30 to give all of the bands plenty of time to perform.
And I'm telling you - get there early! You do not want to miss Vitriol open the show! Musicians and music fans alike will be in awe at this 14 year old guitar wonder! There are veteran guitarists who are calling Chris Linck the next Jason Becker.
Plus, you do not want to miss the Georgia debut of Oblivion Myth - with our very own ProgPower family member on drums: Patrick Nickell aka Destination Forever here on the forums. I was able to hear a few songs of theirs live about a month agao, and this will be a real treat for power metal fans.
Then there's Eclipsed by Sanity, led by Patrick Hoyt aka The.Lost.Hatter, with their brand of traditional yet progressive power/thrash metal. I guarantee some sore necks during their set! :heh:
And of course the two bands who need no introduction to most of you - Theocracy and Halcyon Way - rounding out the night and bringing down the house. :worship:

And to kick things off this week - Brazen Angel will be performing at Club 29 inside the perimeter, opening for Theocracy this Friday night, Feb 9th! Let's all show up and show both bands some metal love going into Valentine's Week! And then come out next weekend with your friends and family to The 7 Venue for a second helping of Theocracy. :rock:

WOW! what a week for True Metal!

If you decide to come out to the show on Feb 17th, please be sure to contact me for advanced tickets and I will reserve some for you. Please send me a PM through the forums here before the day of the event and let me know how many you need.

A percentage of all advanced tickets sales go to the bands.

Please remember that I am making NO money from this. If anything, I’ll probably be paying out of pocket to help with band travel expenses. But every little bit helps, so please get your advance tickets from me (or Theocracy tonight at their show at Club 29!) at $7 each.

The 7 Venue is located just a few minutes' drive outside the perimeter off I-20 west. It is an all-ages, musician-friendly venue which has no smoking inside, serves no alcohol, and is fun for the whole family. So bring your kids! Bring your Mom! Bring everyone and have fun watching some great bands perform original songs for you. =)

Thank You,

Hoyt Parris
Plus, you do not want to miss the Georgia debut of Oblivion Myth - with our very own ProgPower family member on drums: Patrick Nickell aka Destination Forever here on the forums. I was able to hear a few songs of theirs live about a month agao, and this will be a real treat for power metal fans.

Thanks Hoyt! Like I've been saying over and over again, us (and all of the rest of the bands on the bill) have been looking forward to this show ever since Hoyt informed us he was going to make it happen. I definitely want people to see us, but I want everyone to get there at 6 and watch ALL of the bands. We've all put a lot of work into putting on a good show for everybody. I can say that all of us in Oblivion Myth will all be hanging around before our set (we start at 7:20 if all goes as planned) and after the set, and I'm definitely looking forward to hanging out with all my ProgPower friends and family again. :kickass:
Theocracy at Club 29 in Decatur GA on February 9


Great pictures as always esa!

absolutely agreed! :notworthy


ok, we're less than 6 days away from the show. I'd love to see some posts here from all of the ATL ProgPower friends and family who plan to make it out this weekend. I've received confirmation this past week that the incomparable, unstoppable MeMa will be in attendance on Feb 17th! And I can't wait to see her and get her opinion on my show! woohoo!

absolutely agreed! :notworthy


ok, we're less than 6 days away from the show. I'd love to see some posts here from all of the ATL ProgPower friends and family who plan to make it out this weekend. I've received confirmation this past week that the incomparable, unstoppable MeMa will be in attendance on Feb 17th! And I can't wait to see her and get her opinion on my show! woohoo!


Well, I can say that I will be in attendance, and my lovely wife, and I'm thinking about bringing my dog Snoopy, who is more metal than me. This dog wears a studded leather collar 24/7, which makes him far, far out the ass more metal than me. For all time. *ATHF mode off*

Indeed, I am superbly looking forward to an incomparably large dose of heavy and or metal on Saturday, which is also my birthday. I shall celebrate the physical sufferings of my maternal unit.
The.Lost.Hatter forgot to mention one important detail concerning the show this weekend:

the debut of the first run of Eclipsed by Sanity shirts! :kickass: And you can own one for the low, low price of 10 American Dollars! :goggly:

So come on out and get yours because the first run is a limited edition* design.

*ok, so it's just the band name and a logo - but hey, you'll be helping the band towards their first professional demo! woohoo! :notworthy