Ursut said:Don´t you find it funny that an update was posted just days after this whole update-thread shit started???? Think for yourself man...
Tubbs Mcgee said:BULL.SHIT.LIE.
Tubbs Mcgee said:Umm... you might also notice that many of the things that Symphony X speaks about aren't real either, so please STFU AND GTFO.
Hehe, just kidding.![]()
Ursut said:Tubbs! Pwn3d!
Tubbs Mcgee said:Wtf are you blabbing on about?
Ursut said:Your 1337 hAxx0r skills. Cool man! "Pwn3d" is a really cool word, suits really well for an intelligent prog music listener. Ever heard of the word G33k?
Tubbs Mcgee said:Oh, I see. You're on another troll run. Keep up the good work!![]()
Ursut said:Still a member of the SXHLM? And what about your signature, i thought there was something about "retarded" and "awesome songs"? Aren't they still awesome or what?
Tubbs Mcgee said:Fixed.
Ptah Khnemu said:WTF are you two fighting about?
Ursut said:Seen that, but you avoided my question. AREN'T they awesome anymore?
Tubbs Mcgee said:You're obviously the kind of person who has to have the last word, just like me. Maybe if you made a post that actually made sense, I could respond to it correctly. Haven't you already seen that I've established the point that my songs are still awesome? By saying my songs are awesome, that is present tense, which means they are in the act of being awesome right now. If I said they "were" awesome, then that would imply that they used to be awesome, but not anymore. Do you understand?
I'm sorry to everyone else, I know I get off-topic very easily... I won't post in this thread again.![]()
Ptah Khnemu said:You know what I hate about music? Trollers on Forums.
Ursut said:@ Tubbs:
IMO, anyone claming that his/their songs are "awesome" is quite pretentious... Especially when they don´t have the skills to back it up..
@ Ptah:
I totally agree, Some people should just be banned right away! Let´s stick to the interesting "off topic", "most beautiful girl" and "official final fantasy" threads.. Because this is a MUSIC forum. *hehe*
cro4eva said:You sir, are an idiot!
So jax.... banny banny? What do you say eh? *nudge nudge*
Ursut said:Ok, a guy expressed his feelings and got bashed by some poser, and I just answered... IMO, a forum is still a place for people to discuss, regardless of their opinion. If everyone just agreed on everything there would not be any discussion at all...
Me being banned?? I think that you, jumping in with personal flaming and showing that picture of "me" is much more of a ground for being banned. The one you're shouting for (Jax) has told you, and everyone else of you using that picture, to back off! But still... I don't care much about some 15 year old trying to uphold a tough image over the internet.
Ten SiSi said:This is even gayer than the Opeth forum. And of course I'd find that fat bastard Tubbs here.
Ursut said:HEY! Tubbs just overweight, but a really good and nice guy in real life..uke:
Ptah Khnemu said:.......
RobbM said:for this post and this post alone, you should be banned, not to mention all the shit you start, out of nowhere.
well, theres vote #2...
cro4eva said:Why thank you.![]()
Ursut said:Had you read the entire thread, you would have noticed that it was not about Zach...
Ptah Khnemu said:He's the one you quoted, so I assumed that you were talking about him, especially since you didn't say anything in between the quote and whoever you were in fact talking about.
Ursut said:How do you call that shit in any way?? There´s nothing in that post worth banning.. Even he thought it was funny..
You´re just a tight ass, member of SXHLM
cro4eva said:Personally I dont see that as ban worthy, and it was aimed at me. He was just taking the piss out my photo, nothing wrong with that.
cro4eva said:I think he was calling me the poser lol.
RobbM said:he has a history of starting shit/flame wars on this forum going back like a month or 2...and he called Tubbs the poser..
Tubbs Mcgee said:Wow, Ursut and now the Ten SiSi idiot. I'm not sure which one should be banned more...
Alright, nevermind the not posting thing. I didn't realize everyone agreed with me about this irresponsible individual.
Ursut said:I quoted him, but once again, had you read the entire thread, you would have noticed that it wasn´t about him...
Ursut said:That´s not quite true.. I started with me asking a simple question, and some of those "hardcore" SX forum fans appearently didn´t think that was appropriate. Feel free to check any of those update threads and you´ll see who really started the whole flaming thing.
By the way, no offence man, you´re one of the coolest guys here.
cro4eva said:I was saying it makes sense about who you were calling a poser, about the flaming I dont really care it happens on every forum its inevitable and people just add fuel to the fire by even bothering to post and say its worth banning bla bla bla, so I dont judge people by that.
Also no offence taken man, it was flattering. lol![]()
RobbM said:Yeah, a question about something where the the answer is in a FUCKING STICKY so of course people are going to rag on you because asking questions like that just makes you look like a idiot not to mention us "Hardcore" forum members don't take kindly to stuff like:
So, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it.
Ursut said:You seem like a guy who have THAT sense of humor, that everyone here seems to be missing. I wasn't flaming you, just joking around, and you took it in the right way. Too bad more people here aren't the same.. It's just too much ass licking (IMO), and too much stepping around the flame, but noone want's to get burned. I think "the most" of us feel the same - too little updates - too slow and so on, and so on... And that's how I started my carrier as a "whiner - shit poster" and so on... So everyone here just keep on brown nosing, cause they think they're a memeber of the band, just because JAX has the connections.. Fucking silly!
RobbM said:When Jax gets updates, we get the updates, its as simple as that. Theres nothing "to little" or "to slow" about it.
Ursut said:In a sticky posted MONTHS before. And why should it bother you??? Did I ask you anything??? If you don´t like it, just stay the fuck out.
Jax is the moderator, not you! You have no right acting like some kind of police, and this forum does not belong to you!
Ursut said:Don´t you find it funny that an update was posted just days after this whole update-thread shit started???? Think for yourself man...
Shit posts: Considering about 2000 of them are on the chat forum, that's partially true.Ursut said:Whatever, I´d like to see a transcript of your history, mr shit poster/noob basher.....
RobbM said:um, no. and it was like 2 weeks not a few days..besides, "Oh, they got 1 more song done" isn't really that big of an update, 2-3 months per song is typical for a band like symphony X..
Tubbs Mcgee said:Shit posts: Considering about 2000 of them are on the chat forum, that's partially true.
Noob basher: I don't bash n00bs. I bash ignorant elitests with a lack of integrity and common sense.
EDIT: I saw Ptah's post and was drawn towards the light. No more crap from me!
Ursut said:A chat that didn´t mentioned anything new.. Yes, you´re running around getting yourself excited telling people how they should / shouldn´t act.
I have no interest in arguing, because an update did come just days after my post, and I am satisfied. Actually I think that you´re being quite a whiner... However, your posts doesn´t affect me, and I was probably listening to SX before you were even born.
I don't know what you mean. I don't see how I can be an elitest by changing my sig and avatar. I'm saying you are because you think everything you're saying is correct and everyone else is just shitting on you.Ursut said:Why did you change your avatar and signature? Sorry, but you´re in no position to call ANYONE an elitist..
Excuse me, but are you in a Symphonic Prog Metal band? Do you know how long it takes to write songs as good as Symphony X? It takes MONTHS to get one song done, and then it takes more time to develop ideas to add onto the song. All in all, it takes MONTHS!!! One song being completely done is a HUGE FUCKING UPDATE!!!! You have to look at this issue through the eyes of the songwriters to understand.Ursut said:Man.. That wasn´t close to two weeks..... No, it wasn´t a big of an update, but at least it gave some perspective. What is it that you don´t get????
And please, enlighten me about that whole " 2-3 months per song is typical for a band like symphony X", because you seem like an expert.
Ursut said:Man.. That wasn´t close to two weeks..... No, it wasn´t a big of an update, but at least it gave some perspective. What is it that you don´t get????
And please, enlighten me about that whole " 2-3 months per song is typical for a band like symphony X", because you seem like an expert.
Ptah Khnemu said:Excuse me, but are you in a Symphonic Prog Metal band? Do you know how long it takes to write songs as good as Symphony X? It takes MONTHS to get one song done, and then it takes more time to develop ideas to add onto the song. All in all, it takes MONTHS!!! One song being completely done is a HUGE FUCKING UPDATE!!!! You have to look at this issue through the eyes of the songwriters to understand.
RobbM said:you realize that they all have familys and stuff, and that they don't spend 14 hours a day 7 days a week writing and working in the studio? Songwriting is a long and tedious process, especially with this type of music, and with perfectionists like MJR.
DoomsdayZach said:Man, this shit is funny. Forget the ban thing, i apologize. Ursut has joined the ranks of Fallen and others who are just so amazingly contradictory (or in fallen's case, just plain silly) that they've gone beyond banning. This is the greatest entertainment ever.
And it is just the internet folks, chill. And Ursut, i still want to chop off your head with an axe
Wait... that's Illegal ROTFLOL
BTW, you're welcome anyday... I live in Sweden (PM for more info), just drop by and we'll see who's head will be rolling.DoomsdayZach said:Man, this shit is funny. Forget the ban thing, i apologize. Ursut has joined the ranks of Fallen and others who are just so amazingly contradictory (or in fallen's case, just plain silly) that they've gone beyond banning. This is the greatest entertainment ever.
And it is just the internet folks, chill. And Ursut, i still want to chop off your head with an axe
Wait... that's Illegal ROTFLOL
Ursut said:A chat that didn´t mentioned anything new.. Yes, you´re running around getting yourself excited telling people how they should / shouldn´t act.
I have no interest in arguing, because an update did come just days after my post, and I am satisfied. Actually I think that you´re being quite a whiner... However, your posts doesn´t affect me, and I was probably listening to SX before you were even born.
Ptah Khnemu said:Omg. I can't believe I missed this one. This has to be the best post of the night. I bow down to this post. ARE YOU FUCKING RETARTED?!?!?!?! Listening to Symphony X before I was born...? OMFGROTFFLMFAO!!!!!! Whatever kindof crack you're smoking, stop. I am not 11 years old. You have not been listening to Symphony X since August of 1989, because Symphony X didn't exist until 93.
Ursut said:So does most other metal bands. However, this discussion wasn´t about that.
I may not be a member of Symphony X, but I am in a band that puts just as much, if not, more effort into our music. As soon as you're in a Prog Metal Band that does triple polyrhythms, you can tell me just who I am to talk about how big of an accomplishment it is to write a song.Ursut said:Ok, and which one are you in knowing all this?? By the the way, they "entered the studio" in may 2004.