Post Pictures of Your CD Collection

illidurit said:
3000+ albums all mp3 :pwn:

ooh so admirable. I bet you have bought fuck all of those. Thats pathetic, at least try to support your bands asshole.

Splintered Vision said:
Ha, i only got about 150 cds...but i've only been collecting them for a couple of years...yeah im an amature. :erk:

Hey but if its a GOOD 150 albums, then who cares how many you have. Its quality music, not quantity.

NineFeetUnderground said:

LMAO - man you better copyright that one.
i aint play this said:
I have like, 200 cds and loads of mp3s, but if i think an album is worth buying then i delete the stuff and buy the fucking cd...
damn straight. thats how its done.
That is quite the collection.

And this may seem strange I guess, but I don't download music. At all. Give me the disc, thank you.
10 years ago, it was $18 for a cd, and $15 for a shirt. now its $25.00 for a shirt, and $14.00 for a cd. this i feel is a direct result of MP3 piracy, and companies reformulating their merchandise profts to make up for the hit.