Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

True Grit 8.5/10 - Fucking awesome, love me a good Western, and Jeff Bridges played the quintessential badass of Rooster Cogburn perfectly

I love westerns and Jeff Bridges so I really want to see this.

By the way just saw Buried with Ryan Reynolds , this is SERIOUSLY the worst movie I think I've ever seen. It looked like it would be fun to laugh at from the trailer , but it actually is just incredibly boring , cliche , and has the worst plot twists ever. And yeah it really is Ryan Reyolds in a coffin the ENTIRE TIME. Nothing against Ryan Reynolds , cause no actor could have saved this movie
True Grit 7.5/10

I watched it because it was directed by the Coen brothers.... I love Fargo, No Country for Old Men, etc.... This was only alright though... not really what I was expecting. I'm not really into westerns though.
Buried 7/10 lame plot twists (were they even twists at all?) as Jay said, but I kinda liked the stress and especially the ending

Skyline - at first I was like 1/10 then (I hate those "oh action starts faaaast" and then "15 hours earlier" begginings, fuck them) at the middle I was like 8/10 and when it ended I was like WTFIHATE IDONTKNOW/10
Skyline - at first I was like 1/10 then (I hate those "oh action starts faaaast" and then "15 hours earlier" begginings, fuck them) at the middle I was like 8/10 and when it ended I was like WTFIHATE IDONTKNOW/10

Come on man, this is seriously 2010's worst movie. :yuk:
Come on man, this is seriously 2010's worst movie. :yuk:

I haven't seen that one yet but I guarantee that Buried was worse
I saw that stupid ending coming from the moment (SPOILER)

that the guy was talking to him about Mark White who was also buried alive , because I could tell by the guys voice that he was lying about them finding him alive.

Also how many DUMB things did Ryan Reynolds do in this movie? By the end I was almost hoping he would die. I found this on a site and it sums it up perfectly...

"Wait, so it’s just Ryan Reynolds inside this box, there are no other actors in the movie, and he never leaves the box?

Correct. The hook is ‘how’s this guy going to make a movie out of 90 minutes of Ryan Reynolds in a coffin?’ People are curious, we want to see how someone might accomplish this. Enter director Rodrigo Cortés, who proves that it can be done, but never comes close to justifying why it should be. To quote Chris Rock, “You could drive a car with your feet if you want to, that don’t make it a good f*ckin’ idea.”

Why not? Put it this way: have you ever watched a movie where bad things keep happening to a good person, and you want to root for that person, but they continue to react to adversity in such an idiotic way that you start wishing they would just die? It’s like that. Allow me to sum up the plot:

FBI CONTACT: “You’re getting a cell signal, so that means you can’t be more than a few feet underground.”
RYAN REYNOLDS: “Hurrrr, I’m not going to try to dig myself out for this entire movie.”

FBI CONTACT: “Take your cell phone off vibrate to conserve your battery.”
RYAN REYNOLDS: “Hurrr, I’m going to leave my cell phone on vibrate and let it ring at least three times before I pick it up for the entire movie.”

IRAQI HOSTAGE TAKER: “Down by your left side you will find a knife.”
RYAN REYNOLDS: “Hurrrr, thanks, I’m not going to use this for anything useful at all.”

CELL PHONE: “Hi, I’m your cell phone. Here’s my English-language setting.”
RYAN REYNOLDS: “Hurrrr, thanks, English setting, it only took me 40 minutes of screen time to find you.”

SNAKE: “Hey, I’m a snake, I’m gonna chill in your coffin for a little while.”
RYAN REYNOLDS: “Hurrr, that’s a nice hole you came from, Mr. Snake. I’m not going to investigate it at all in any way.”

IRAQI HOSTAGE TAKER: “Make us a propaganda video with your phone.”
RYAN REYNOLDS: “Hurrr, great idea, I should do that and then not pursue any media contacts at all. I’d hate to put any pressure on anyone to come find me.”

FBI CONTACT: “Sit tight, keep your cell phone on, we’ve got a bead on your signal, it should only be a few minutes.”
RYAN REYNOLDS: “Hurrr, I’m gonna hang up and call my girlfriend.”"
I actual really enjoyed buried D:
But I did see it in the cinemas..

The Presence - 3/10
Thats it, im done trying to find good indie movies.. fucking stupid and unintentional funny.
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

Not sure how to rate this as a documentary. Easily the most moving piece of film I've ever seen but definitely not for the weak at heart. If you think you can handle it, grab a box of tissues and watch it, but don't read anything about it. I cried....a lot.

All you need to know is that this was filmed by a childhood friend of the father to be given to Zachary when he grows up. His father was murdered by his mother while she was pregnant and she fled to Canada. It follows all the legal troubles, custody issues, and utter, gut-wrenching heartache that goes along with it. I've never been so angry, sad and inspired while watching a documentary before. If you can handle a good cry - watch it.
roy22341 said:
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

Not sure how to rate this as a documentary. Easily the most moving piece of film I've ever seen but definitely not for the weak at heart. If you think you can handle it, grab a box of tissues and watch it, but don't read anything about it. I cried....a lot.

All you need to know is that this was filmed by a childhood friend of the father to be given to Zachary when he grows up. His father was murdered by his mother while she was pregnant and she fled to Canada. It follows all the legal troubles, custody issues, and utter, gut-wrenching heartache that goes along with it. I've never been so angry, sad and inspired while watching a documentary before. If you can handle a good cry - watch it.

Wow. Must watch