Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

xXx 8.5/10 - Surprisingly well-written and executed, and I can't deny, Vin Diesel was quite the effective badass (I LIVE FOR THIS SHIT :lol: ) - goofy, but wildly entertaining IMO

lol count me in the Vin Deisel fan crowd too...although I never saw the silly Disney movie with the duck or whatever it was he did. I even liked Babylon AD and even the Fast and Furious movies he was in. I'm actually stoked for the new Riddick flick.

Shutter Island - 7/10 Decent premise but I think the ending was obvious at the beginning.

By blackglove at 2011-03-28

Got a full 10 / 10
King Arthur - 5/10

Saxon invaders with American accents; I can't fucking stand it.

Actors should at least attempt to put on an accent for the character they're playing. The latest rendition of Valkyrie was a shining example of this - starts out with cruise speaking german, making me think "Oh fuck yes, authentic dialog!" - but it's all a fucking cock-tease because 10 fucking seconds in it crossfades from German to English, then goes on to barrage you with strongly accented English actors playing German characters. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - 10/10

Easily one of my favorite films of all time, with one of my favorite scores of all time, and the best spaghetti western of all time :lol: The last half hour to an hour of it is some of the greatest cinema ever made IMO.