Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Well the whole thing is, but the tension and emotion Leone managed to convey in that last hour takes it to absolutely incredible heights. The scene in the graveyard where Tuco is running around is one of my favorite scenes ever put to film.
Agreed , The Good The Bad And The Ugly is an amazing movie.

on the way opposite end of the spectrum , I was just watching Triple H's new movie The Chaperone on Netflix streaming lol. Yes it was pretty bad , but me and my brothers had a lot of fun laughing at it. They were heavily advertising this movie at the RAW Road to Wrestlemania I went to last week at the Prudential Center (which was awesome, my first wrestling show ever , wanted to go since I was a kid). I was really close too , it was weird seeing Triple H in real life like 20 feet away.
Gladiator - 8/10.

I love it, but the more I see it, the more "shallow" it and it's score feel... It is excellent, but it just feels like there's not a particularly huge amount of depth to any of the characters, like the music and the acting is directing your emotions absolutely directly without leaving any of it at all to your own head. It could just be me getting picky in my [ever-so-slightly] older age.
Gladiator will always be one of my favorite movies , and the score is also one of my favorites. I do see your point but both the movie and score are so well done and complement each other beautifully.
Oh I agree, it's a phenomenal, and one of my favorite, movies, but it sort of eats at me a little bit how "obvious" it is sometimes... I think I am just too damn picky these days :lol: It's definitely Russel Crowe's best role, and the atmosphere is perfect.
I never saw the big deal about Gladiator. Paper thin narrative stringing together some admittedly very impressive action scenes.
And Russel Crowe's best role? What about A Beautiful Mind or The Insider?

Anyway, just sessioned out Snatch and RocknRolla blurays. I honestly don't remember RocknRolla being quite as kickass as that viewing was \m/
King Arthur - 5/10

Saxon invaders with American accents; I can't fucking stand it.

Actors should at least attempt to put on an accent for the character they're playing. The latest rendition of Valkyrie was a shining example of this - starts out with cruise speaking german, making me think "Oh fuck yes, authentic dialog!" - but it's all a fucking cock-tease because 10 fucking seconds in it crossfades from German to English, then goes on to barrage you with strongly accented English actors playing German characters. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

I don't know what weird version you were watching but the 2 main Saxons in that movie were Stellan Skarsgård and Til Schweiger .. one is swedish the other is german and both have their accents, neither of which sounds "american":err:
hahaha, I thought it was really interesting till it mind fucked me. I get it now, after watching the beginning again. Tripy shit. :Spin:

If you look on the net you'll find some pretty detailed explanations of what people think it's happening. Personally, I fucking loved this movie because of its overall atmosphere, even before I found out what the hell it's about (which I would never have by myself).
Like I said, I watched the beginning (about 1/2 an hour of it) again and it all came streaming in and made a lot of sense. I wasn't paying that much attention during the first few minutes (first time around) because I had no idea what kind of movie it was going to be or if it required such detailed attention. I think, I totally get it, even the somewhat subtle/sneaky bits.

I'll still google it to see if I'm getting it anyways.
Mulholland Drive, ahhh, love that movie.

Shame it never ended up being a series as was originally planned. Bet it would've fucking ruled.
And Russel Crowe's best role? What about A Beautiful Mind or The Insider?

Anyway, just sessioned out Snatch and RocknRolla blurays. I honestly don't remember RocknRolla being quite as kickass as that viewing was m/

I preferred him in Gladiator, thin as i'm finding it these days.

Also, RocknRolla is so amazing :lol: All of Guy Ritchie's movies are fucking awesome.
Love all the crackhead characters, pure comedy!
I need to see Revolver, my bud was raving about it being incredible recently, so I must search it out!
Yeah, I was so excited when they said there would be another Rocknrolla at the end of the first... Then nothing for ages, and now he's doing a second Sherlock Holmes (which will still be rad :D )...