Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Your Highness 7/10
Its fun when you take it for what it is, a parody. Besides, reminded me of some fun Guild Wars times. Can't wait for GW2...
Black Death 9/10 - Everything I want in a movie, medieval plague, Sean Bean dies, inquistion, witches, very unhappy throughout and ending. Pretty much perfect.

Yeah I liked that one too. Pretty dark film and Sean Bean does a great job.

I'm right in the middle of The Eagle, cant rate it yet but so far it's a decent story but wooden acting all around.
Daybreakers 6/10 - It had potential. They do exactly as you'd expect rather than throwing a twist in when they should. Not a bad vamp flick, but not great.

Deathwatch 7.5/10 - I've said it before I like hopeless with unhappy endings. This has it. It's kinda low budget, but does a decent job. Worth watching just for WWI despair.

The tree of life - 0/10 Thought it would be pretty cool because it had Brad Pitt and Sean Penn.

Attention! Basically the whole movie below. Do not read if you don't want to know.

So a quiet voice is speaking and suddenly people are all sad and shit. Brad's son is dead. You're in the 50's. Cut to 20 mins of screen savers with quiet voice's and then out of no where fucking dinosaurs. Then all of sudden you're watching the Discovery/Nature/National Geographic channel without a narrator.

All of a sudden you're in Sean Penn's house in modern times. Apparently he lost a brother back when the brother was 19. Strange shots of him.

Cut to well shot home movie and off to a plane ride. The pilots head is in your fucking way and you can't see shit. Before you're able to grasp what is going on here an ugly chick is floating around for a few second's.

Cut to some random clip of grass and holy shit Brad Pitt's ass in a factory. He walks around pointing at shit as if he where working and we get some random views of the factory. Random clips of Brad's family and then he plays a church organ while we see how strict he is with his kids. Some fun church time while we listen to verbal diarrhea and watch an Atheist (Brad) act like a "god fearing man". More random moments in Brad's family life. Some kid drowns and Brad's kids play in a cemetery. Creepy quiet voice while random stuff happens. This goes on for a while and you're fighting not to fall asleep.

So at about 2 hours in, we're back in modern times. Looking at a bummed out Sean Penn with cuts from the National Geographic/Discovery/Nature channel.

At this point the past and present are all together and you don't know what the fuck is going on. You're starting to think what you thought when the film first started. "I think this is somehow going to end in some heaven Christian crap".

So here we are, In the after life, I guess, right where you knew you would be. (shitty this place is) You also know for sure Penn is the adult jack.

Now you saw a suspension bridge and you're all mad and shit. So you say "Fuck you suspension bridge"

The End
Drive. 4/10. Pretty fucking bad IMO. Cool action scenes and the way they portrayed the violence was awesome, but the movie was slow as shit and the dialogue sucked. I thought Ryan Gosling was autistic for the first half of it.
Drive. 4/10. Pretty fucking bad IMO. Cool action scenes and the way they portrayed the violence was awesome, but the movie was slow as shit and the dialogue sucked. I thought Ryan Gosling was autistic for the first half of it.

I liked the EPIC "Tron" style soundtracks in this movie! :oops:
I'll give Drive a 9/10 ... I understand how some people may get pissed off by the slow pace, I didn't mind it at all. It had a very unique dark atmosphere, very interesting direction and cool soundtrack. I don't know how the movie was marketed (haven't seen the trailer), but people going in to see a typical action movie may even end up leaving the theater.
After.Life 6/10
Basically spend the whole time wondering if chick is dead or alive with no resolve. I guess it was ok, but everybody wanted to see what's-her-names tits, no big deal, and i can never forgive liam neeson for shitting all over obi wan, even though he gets major points for darkman.

The Crush 8/10
This movie totally rules for what it is. If I explained it, it would sound like a Lifetime channel original, but it's not. Worth it just to see the MEGAPUNCH at the end. I've seen this movie a ton and had to show it to my GF.

Diary of the Dead 5/10
Romero's take on 'home-video' type movies and the internet. from 2007 and it's already pretty dated.

Survival of the Dead
Romero keeps humanizing zombies in this fairly uninspired jaunt. stop it.

One thing that is nice about these two movies together is that they focus on different characters during the same event, even thought Survival of the Dead moves to a different location, I still like the idea of multiple movies covering different character's stories for one event.
Cowboys & Aliens - 8/10 One of Daniel Craigs best movies (not seen Layer Cake which everyone seems to refer me to when mentioning D.C.- will get to it eventually). I have a volcanic boner for Olivia Wilde, just thought I'd mention that because I've seen three different movies with her lately (The Change Up, TRON and C&A) and goddamnit she's boneriffic. This movie doesnt look good on the surface but it is well acted and that's the difference. The aliens are shit, otherwise.

The Thing - 5/10 Meh. The same thing as the first film, with subtitles and a girl as the lead. Lots of flame-throwing and skin ripping face melts. It's fun but doesn't live up to the first one in any way

Forgot Dream House - 6/10 Another Daniel Craig one. Ok at best, not scary, the mystery "twist" is totally revealed not even halfway into it and the end was kind of boring.
The Crush 8/10
This movie totally rules for what it is. If I explained it, it would sound like a Lifetime channel original, but it's not. Worth it just to see the MEGAPUNCH at the end. I've seen this movie a ton and had to show it to my GF.


When I first saw that punch I was like "Fuck Yeah!" and then I couldn't stop laughing. Best punch ever!
Red State - 9/10

Probably the most unexpected movie I could imagine Kevin Smith doing. Would have fit perfectly in the Tarantino / Rodriguez Grindhouse to make it a triple feature and actually it would have been the 2nd best out of the three

Awesome dialogue (of course), fantastic acting and like I said, this is such a departure for Smith that not once did any of his other movies cross my mind

If what he said is true, and this might be his last movie, he definitely will be leaving on a very high note